Consider/Discuss/Act on a Resolution Approving the Submittal of a Formal Request to Federal Transit Administration (FTA) to Replace Texoma Area Paratransit Services (TAPS) Direct Recipient Status and Request that the City of McKinney be Appointed the Recipient for the McKinney Urbanized Area (MUZA)
COUNCIL GOAL: Enhance the Quality of Life in McKinney
MEETING DATE: January 17, 2017
DEPARTMENT: City Manager’s Office
CONTACT: Chandler Merritt, Director of Strategic Services
Janay Tieken, Housing and Community Development Manager
• Approve Resolution
• To assist in transit services within the City of McKinney and throughout the MUZA, the City of McKinney is requesting Direct Recipient status from the Federal Transit Administration.
• The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) has been designated by the Governor of Texas as the Designated Recipient of Section 5307 Program funds on behalf of small urbanized areas (population of 50,000 to 199,000).
• The implementation of the Section 5307 Program also requires the designation of a Direct Recipient in each small urbanized area.
• The Direct Recipient receives the FTA 5307 funds, on behalf of the small urbanized area (MUZA).
• TAPS previously served as the Direct Recipient of Section 5307 Program funds for the MUZA. Concern with TAPS financial viability and secession of service prompted the City to terminate the Public Transit System Interlocal Agreement and Memorandum of Extension with TAPS, effective December 2015.
• To assist in public transportation services throughout the MUZA, the City is pursuing Direct Recipient status for future Section 5307 Program funding as it continues to formulate its overall transportation strategy and implementation plan.
• The City is working closely with other municipalities in the MUZA (Celina, Prosper, Princeton, Melissa, and Lowry Crossing). On June 7, 2016, the City Council authorized the formation of the McKinney Urban Transit District (MUTD) to formulate policy and service provision for the MUZA.
• The City will receive approximately $312,000 from TxDOT and can use these funds, plus any additional funds, as “match” to drawdown an equal amount of FTA 5307 Small Urban Funds.
• N/A