Consider/Discuss/Act on a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Contract with Rich Leidl, P.C. for Federal Legislative Services
COUNCIL GOAL: Operational Excellence
MEETING DATE: September 3, 2019
DEPARTMENT: City Manager’s Office
CONTACT: Paul G. Grimes, City Manager
Trevor Minyard, Assistant to the City Manager
• Approve Resolution
• Rich Leidl, P.C. will provide federal legislative consulting services including lobbying, regulatory services, and assisting with federal approval of City projects.
• Rich Leidl, P.C. has provided consultant services to the City in the past regarding airport, grants, legislation and liaison assistance with legislators and their staffs. Mr. Leidl’s support and assistance is outlined below:
• McKinney National Airport:
o Federal Contract Tower Program:
§ Annual Funding - This FAA Program provides annual funding for FAA contractors to provide air traffic control services in the Airport’s control tower. This Program saves McKinney approximately $675,000 in payments that the City would otherwise have to make. When sequestration went into effect in 2013, the FAA proposed to eliminate the funding for McKinney and 148 other airports nationwide. McKinney and other airports worked to obtain Congressional support to reinstate the funding. Funding was restored and now McKinney and other airports in the Contract Tower Program work with their respective Congressional delegations each year to ensure that the Program continues to be fully funded.
§ In 2013, Mr. Leidl assisted the City in the litigation and in the Congressional efforts. The result was that the FAA’s payments were continued in 2013. Since then, Mr. Leidl has worked with the City’s Congressional delegation and the U.S. Contract Tower Association to ensure that the necessary funding is provided each year. Thus far, Congressional legislation for FY 2019 provides full funding for all contract towers.
§ FAA Authorization Bill - Every several years, Congress passes major legislation that affects aviation programs. McKinney and other airports have worked to obtain provisions that would benefit the Contract Tower Program.
o FAA Project Management Support
§ The FAA will have an oversight role in the potential McKinney National Airport Runway Expansion project, and Mr. Leidl will serve as a support resource with FAA Headquarters in Washington, D.C. throughout the length of the project.
o Federal Grant Funding:
§ The FAA’s Airport Improvement Program provides grants to airports for development projects. The Airport has several important projects scheduled over the next several years and is seeking FAA funding. Mr. Leidl is working in support of extra Congressional funding for the overall Program in FY 2019 and is also working with the Airport and the FAA to highlight the City’s projects and obtain ongoing support for grants to enable these projects to move forward.
• North Texas Municipal Water District:
o Throughout their permitting and project planning process, The NTMWD team had been in Washington numerous times during the past several years and Mr. Leidl participated in said meetings with Congressional delegation on behalf of McKinney.
o The NTMWD continues to seek legislation to address other issues for the reservoir and it is expected that Mr. Leidl will continue to participate in meetings with the NTMWD in Washington and support its efforts to ensure the availability of water supplies for McKinney and other cities in the Region. Mr. Leidl is also assisting in NTMWD’s efforts to obtain Congressional support to resolve issues involving invasive species that may affect NTMWD’s water supplies.
o In 2009, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service directed the NTMD to cease using Lake Texoma to supply water because of the presence of invasive species. Since McKinney is a member city of the NTMWD, Mr. Leidl was requested to support the NTMWD’s efforts to obtain Congressional relief. Over the course of several years, Mr. Leidl participated in numerous Congressional meetings with NTMWD officials, NTMWD counsel, and NTMWD lobbyists. The result was legislation that addressed the immediate issue and allowed the NTMWD to resume using Lake Texoma as a source of its water supplies.
• Natural Resources Conservation Service.
McKinney has obtained grants from the NRCS to rehabilitate several dams within the City limits. Mr. Leidl worked with the City in seeking Congressional support for annual funding for the program. In July, when the Mayor and the City Manager were in Washington Mr. Leidl arranged a meeting with NRCS Headquarters officials to discuss the City’s projects and lay the foundation for future funding.
• Federal Grants:
o Mr. Leidl assists the City in monitoring Federal grant programs and seeking opportunities for funding from various Federal agencies. Mr. Leidl has also worked with the Congressional delegation in support of annual funding for HUD’s Community Development Grant Program and HOME Program, which benefit the City and were proposed for elimination earlier this year by the President’s Budget.
• Federal Legislation:
o Mr. Leidl was instrumental in the development of the federal legislative agenda the City Council Adopted in 2018. In addition to the above matters, Mr. Leidl is tasked to track or provide updates on various Federal legislative issues.
• Visits to Washington:
o During the times the Mayor, City Council Members, and/or the City Manager make a trip Washington each year to meet with the Congressional delegation and various Federal agencies in support of City initiatives, Mr. Leidl assists the City in arranging the meetings, preparing the necessary briefing papers, participating in the meetings, and doing the necessary follow up work.
o Most recently, Mr. Leidl coordinated meetings with Texas Senators John Cornyn and Ted Cruz, as well as a meeting with Representative Van Taylor.
• The cost of service is approximately $6,666.67 per month.
• The contract will expire on September 30, 2020.