Consider/Discuss/Act on a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Professional Services Contract with Burns McDonnell to Develop a Solid Waste Services RFP
COUNCIL GOAL: Operational Excellence (2B: Balance Available Resources to Accommodate the Growth and Maintenance Needs of the City);
Enhance the Quality of Life on McKinney (5E: Develop sustainable quality of life improvements in the City of McKinney)
MEETING DATE: August 2, 2022
DEPARTMENT: Public Works
CONTACT: Ryan Gillingham, Director of Public Works
Eric Hopes, Environmental Services Manager
• Approve the Resolution
• This Resolution authorizes the City manager to execute a contract with Burns McDonnell to develop and solid waste services RFP, for an amount not to exceed $121,340.
• Burns McDonnell is currently under contact with the City for professional consulting services.
• Burns McDonnell started the Solid Waste Management Strategy study on December 15, 2020, and a draft version including overview of a solid waste services RFP process was presented to the City Council on June 28, 2022.
• The City has a contact with Waste Connections for the provision of solid waste and recycling collection and recycling processing; the term of the agreement is set to expire September 30, 2024.
• Key recommendation of the Solid Waste Management Strategy that Burns McDonnell developed for the City is for the City to conduct a solid waste and recycling collection and recycling processing procurement process, starting the Summer of 2022 and with a contract recommendation to City Council in the Spring of 2023.
• Burns McDonnell was requested to submit a proposal for the RFP process based on their experience, ability to devote requisite resources, satisfactorily completing the Solid Waste Management Strategy, and familiarity with the City.
• The proposal includes everything necessary to prepare and develop the RFP, conduct stakeholder engagement, evaluate proposals, facilitate proposer interviews, and assist in contract negotiations.
• Contract amount for the full scope of services outlined in the proposal is $121,340 and budgeted in 007-4405-503.85-16
• N/A