Consider/Discuss/Act on a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Contract and All Necessary Change Orders with Hellas
Construction, Inc of Austin, Texas, for the Construction of the Craig Ranch Soccer Complex (PK1906)
COUNCIL GOAL: Enhance the Quality of Life in McKinney
(5A: Create affordable recreational and cultural arts activities for all ages throughout the city)
(5B: Develop Parks strategy to preserve green space for future park land)
(5C: Continue to market and highlight McKinney as a unique destination for residents and visitors alike)
(5E: Develop sustainable quality of life improvements within the City of McKinney)
MEETING DATE: October 3, 2022
DEPARTMENT: Parks and Recreation
CONTACT: Michael Kowski, Director of Parks and Recreation
* Approval of the Resolution.
* This Resolution authorizes the City Manager to execute a contract and all necessary change orders with Hellas Construction, Inc. of Austin, Texas for the construction of the Craig Ranch Soccer Complex (PK1906) for a total contract amount not to exceed $23,907,429.15.
* City staff worked with LJA Planning and Landscape Architecture on preparing the construction plans and specifications as needed for project bidding.
* Staff, along with LJA support, recommends awarding the construction bid to Hellas Construction, Inc. in an amount of $22,707,429.15 along with a $1,200,000 contingency for a total not to exceed amount of $23,907,429.15 (Includes base bid + 7 alternate deductions + contingency).
* This project involves the conversion of 6 natural grass soccer fields to artificial turf, two new restroom/concession buildings, complex entrance gates/features, shaded seating, trails, and sports field signage.
* The renovation of these fields will greatly enhance the playability of this complex for our local users and Associations and will provide more opportunity to bring quali...
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