Consider/Discuss/Act on a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Contract and All Necessary Change Orders with VesCorp Construction, LLC., for the Construction of the Griffin and Pine Street Infrastructure Improvements Project (CO2006)
COUNCIL GOAL: Operational Excellence
(2B: Balance available resources to accommodate the growth and maintenance needs of the city)
MEETING DATE: July 20, 2021
DEPARTMENT: Development Services / Engineering
CONTACT: Gary Graham, PE, Director of Engineering
Brook Retta, PE, CIP Engineer
* Approval of Resolution
* This Resolution authorizes the City Manager to execute a contract and all necessary change orders with VesCorp Construction, LLC., for the Construction of the Griffin and Pine Street Infrastructure Improvements Project (CO2006) for a total contract amount not to exceed $1,712,000.
* Freese and Nichols, Inc. prepared the construction plans for the Griffin and Pine Street Infrastructure Improvements Project (CO2006).
* The Capital Improvement Plan includes annual funding for street infrastructure improvements primarily focused on the reconstruction of substandard residential streets in East McKinney including associated underground infrastructure improvements (drainage, water mains, and wastewater mains).
* Griffin Street and Pine Street (between Barnes Street and Baker Street) currently have failing asphalt pavement, a substandard pavement width of 18 feet, and a total of 28 residential structures with street frontage. In addition, both streets have sections of deep roadside ditches which can pose a safety concern on the narrow streets.
* The proposed improvements to both streets will include the following:
o Construction of a new asphalt or concrete roadway with curb and gutter with a width between 22-feet and 26-feet
o Construction of a minimum 4-foot-wide sidewalk along one side of each roadway.
o Construction ...
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