Consider/Discuss/Act on a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Accept a Renewal Grant in the Amount of $327,762 from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), through the Metro Dallas Homeless Alliance (MDHA), for Continuum of Care Rapid Rehousing Funding and Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Memorandum of Understanding with the Samaritan Inn for Related Grant Funded Positions
COUNCIL GOAL: Enhance the Quality of Life in McKinney
5E. Develop Sustainable Quality of Life Improvements in the City of McKinney
MEETING DATE: August 2, 2022
DEPARTMENT: Housing and Community Development
CONTACT: Janay Tieken, Director of Housing and Community Development
* Approve the Resolution
* Renewal of the Rapid Rehousing funding through HUD will continue to provide short-term rental assistance (up to one year) for up to twelve (12) individuals and/or families experiencing homelessness to provide them with a safe, stable environment from which to rebuild physical, emotional and financial health.
* Memorandum of Understanding between the City of McKinney and Samaritan Inn will continue grant funded administrative position(s) at the Samaritan Inn.
* The City of McKinney has received the Rapid Rehousing (RRH) grant since 2020. The grant is funded through the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), through the Metro Dallas Homeless Alliance (the Collin County Continuum of Care Lead Agency).
* In 2022, eight (8) individuals successfully graduated from the program and have maintained housing stability on their own.
* For 2022, the City of McKinney received a grant of $328,098. For 2023, the amount will be $327,762.
* The grant will provide for rental payments and support services (Administrative salaries and security and utility deposits)
* There is a 25% in-kind match requirement. The City of McKinney will be providing $61...
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