Consider/Discuss/Act on a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Contract with North Rock Construction, LLC of Denton, Texas, for the Finch Park Improvement Project Located at 301 W Standifer St.
COUNCIL GOAL: Enhance the Quality of Life in McKinney
(5A: Create affordable recreational and cultural arts activities for all ages throughout the city)
(5C: Continue to market and highlight McKinney as a unique destination for residents and visitors alike)
(5E: Develop sustainable quality of life improvements within the City of McKinney)
MEETING DATE: January 7, 2020
DEPARTMENT: Parks and Recreation
CONTACT: Michael Kowski, Director of Parks and Recreation
* Approval of the Resolution.
* The Finch Park Improvement project includes adding parking, new pavilions, a looped hike and bike trail, sport court improvements, and pedestrian bridge connections.
* The project included a base bid and 2 add alternates:
o Alternate 1: Provide, construct and install the park pavilion, picnic tables, concrete pad and the connecting sidewalks to the pavilion.
o Alternate 2: Provide and install the proposed rip - rap along the creek as shown and detailed on the plans.
o The rip - rap is used along the creek bed to prevent erosion.
o Staff is recommending acceptance of both alternates.
* City staff worked with JBI Partners, Inc., a landscape architecture firm, on preparing the construction plans and specifications as needed for project bidding.
* Staff recommends awarding the construction bid to North Rock Construction, LLC in an amount of $1,799,808.36 (includes base bid + 2 alternates) and not to exceed $1,889,808.36 (project contingency).
* A total of 7 bids were submitted and accepted on November 21, 2019.
* Davis Excavation Inc., the apparent low bidder, was disqualified due to lack of acknowledgment of addendum #2 producing an incomplete bid form.
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