Consider/Discuss/Act on a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Enter into an Advance Funding Agreement with the Texas Department of Transportation for Improvements at US Highway 380 and Community Avenue
COUNCIL GOAL: Direction for Strategic & Economic Growth
(1A: Establish regional and infrastructure incentives to increase economic growth)
MEETING DATE: November 2, 2021
DEPARTMENT: Development Services / Engineering
CONTACT: Nick Ataie, P.E., Engineering CIP Manager
Gary Graham, P.E., Director of Engineering
*? Approval of the Resolution.
*? This Resolution authorizes the City Manager to enter into an Advance Funding Agreement with the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) Outlining Obligations, Funding Sources, and Requirements for Improvements at US Highway 380 and Community Avenue (CIP Project ST2011)
* The City of McKinney Engineering Department has identified a need for intersection capacity improvements at US 380 and Community Avenue including the addition of additional turn lanes and traffic flow improvements.
* The current scope of work for the project (CIP Project ST2011) includes reconstruction of the intersection to provide dual-left turn lanes in the eastbound, westbound, and southbound directions as well as providing a westbound right-turn lane. The intent of this project is to improve intersection capacity and safety.
* The Engineering Department previously submitted the planned improvements to the North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) for grant funding opportunities through the Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) Program.
* In early 2021, the City of McKinney was notified that the RTC approved CMAQ funding for the project under the Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) Policy Bundle TDC Program and the project has been included in the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP).
* Funding for the project inclu...
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