Conduct a Public Hearing to Consider/Discuss/Act on a Variance to a Site Plan for a Multi-Family Development (Collin Square), Located on the Southwest Corner of Bloomdale Road and U.S. Highway 75, (REQUEST TO BE TABLED)
COUNCIL GOAL: Direction for Strategic and Economic Growth
(1C: Provide a strong city economy by facilitating a balance between industrial, commercial, residential and open space)
MEETING DATE: January 26, 2021
DEPARTMENT: Development Services - Planning Department
CONTACT: Kaitlin Gibbon, Planner II
Jennifer Arnold, AICP, Director of Planning
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the public hearing be continued and the item tabled to the February 9, 2020 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. Staff continues to work with the applicant on the proposed site plan and the approval of a flood study.
On January 12, 2021, the Planning and Zoning Commission voted 7-0-0 to continue the public hearing and table the item to the January 26th meeting.
ITEM SUMMARY: The applicant is proposing a site plan for multi-family development on a portion of the property located at the southeast corner of Bloomdale Road and U.S. Highway 75.