Introduction to the 2018-2019 Impact Fee Update Process
COUNCIL GOAL: Direction for Strategic and Economic Growth
(1C: Provide a Strong City Economy by Facilitating a Balance between Industrial, Commercial, Residential, and Open Space)
MEETING DATE: August 27, 2019
DEPARTMENT: Planning Department
CONTACT: Aaron Bloxham, Planning Manager
Jennifer Arnold, AICP, Director of Planning
* Receive presentation on the 2018-2019 Impact Fee Update Process.
* The purpose of this Work Session item is to provide the Capital Improvements Advisory Committee with an overview of the impact fee update process.
* Per Chapter 395 of the Texas Local Government Code, municipalities that impose impact fees are required to review and update their impact fee ordinances at least five years. The City of McKinney last updated its impact fees in 2013. As such, staff has launched the five year update to remain in conformance with state law.
* Over the next several months, the project team will be carrying out the necessary steps to conduct and complete the impact fee update.
* Chapter 395 of the Texas Local Government Code states that any political subdivision imposing an impact fee shall update the land use assumptions and capital improvements plan every five years.
* Updating impact fees involves 3 parts (as required by state law) and the entire process takes approximately 9 months:
* Land Use Assumptions
The Land Use Assumptions contain growth projections on which an Impact Fee Ordinance is based. Projections for residential units and square footage of non-residential uses determine the infrastructure needed over the next ten years.
The updated Land Use Assumptions will be considered by the Capital Improvements Advisory Committee during tonight's regular meeting (August 27, 2019), and will be presented to City Council at the September 17, 2019 meeting.
* Capital Improvements Planning (under...
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