Consider/Discuss/Act on a Recommendation to City Council for a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Contract with North Rock Construction, LLC of Denton, Texas, for the Construction of a 10 Acre Neighborhood Park Located within the Prestwyck Subdivision
COUNCIL GOAL: Enhance the Quality of Life in McKinney
(5A: Create affordable recreational and cultural arts activities for all ages throughout the city)
(5B: Develop Parks strategy to preserve green space for future park land)
(5C: Continue to market and highlight McKinney as a unique destination for residents and visitors alike)
(5E: Develop sustainable quality of life improvements within the City of McKinney)
MEETING DATE: September 10, 2020
DEPARTMENT: Parks and Recreation
CONTACT: Michael Kowski, Director of Parks and Recreation
* Approve the recommendation to City Council.
* The 10 acre neighborhood park will include play equipment, splash pad, pavilion, sport-court, shade structures, off street parking, learning stations, fitness stations, pedestrian connectivity and landscaping.
* City staff worked with DCBA on preparing the construction plans and specifications as needed for project bidding.
* The project includes a base bid and 8 alternates:
o Alternate 1: Playground shade structure
o Alternate 2: Playground shade structure
o Alternate 3: Playground swing shade structure
o Alternate 4: Concrete ping pong table
o Alternate 5: Solid Sod Bermuda grass
o Alternate 6: Color concrete at exercise station
o Alternate 7: Sawcut and sandblasted giant chess board
o Alternate 8: Concrete art wall, decomposed granite and mow strip
* Staff recommends awarding the construction bid to North Rock Construction, LLC in an amount of $2,667,661.22 (includes base bid + All Alternates).
* A total of 7 bids were received.
* MSB Constructors, Inc, the apparent low bidder, was disqualified due to in...
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