Consider/Discuss/Act on a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Contract with Freese and Nichols, Inc. for Professional Engineering Design Services for the Lela, Jones, Foote, and Bradley Street Infrastructure Improvements Project (CO2134) and Authorizing Any Necessary Supplemental Agreements
COUNCIL GOAL: Operational Excellence
(2B: Balance available resources to accommodate the growth and maintenance needs of the city)
MEETING DATE: May 18, 2021
DEPARTMENT: Development Services / Engineering
CONTACT: Nick Ataie, PE, Engineering CIP Manager
Brook Retta, PE, CIP Engineer
* Approval of Resolution.
* This Resolution authorizes the City Manager to execute a contract in the amount of $478,076, as well as all required supplemental agreements thereto, with Freese and Nichols, Inc. for professional consulting engineering services for the Lela, Jones, Foote, and Bradley Street Infrastructure Improvements Project (CO2134), for a total aggregate contract amount, inclusive of any supplemental agreements, not to exceed $550,000.
* The Capital Improvement Plan includes annual funding for street infrastructure improvements primarily focused on the reconstruction of substandard residential streets in East McKinney including associated underground infrastructure improvements (drainage, water mains, and wastewater mains)
* The Engineering Department has worked with the Public Works Department to identify and prioritize potential projects in this category based on the following general criteria:
o Existing substandard pavement width (not classified as an alley).
o Lacking curb and gutter and/or enclosed storm drainage system(s).
o Existing substandard underground infrastructure.
* Identified future projects have been assigned a composite score based on the following site-specific data:
o Pavement Condition Index (PCI) as evaluated by the Public Works Department which ass...
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