Conduct a Public Hearing to Consider/Discuss/Act on a Request to Rezone the Subject Property from “PD” - Planned Development District and "REC" - Regional Employment Center Overlay District to "C2" - Local Commercial District, Located on the Northeast Corner of Collin McKinney Parkway and Piper Glen Road (WITHDRAWN BY APPLICANT)
COUNCIL GOAL: Direction for Strategic and Economic Growth
(1C: Provide a strong city economy by facilitating a balance between industrial, commercial, residential and open space)
MEETING DATE: April 13, 2021
DEPARTMENT: Development Services - Planning Department
CONTACT: Kaitlin Gibbon, Planner II
Caitlyn Strickland, Planning Manager
Jennifer Arnold, AICP, Director of Planning
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the public hearing be closed indefinitely as the rezoning request has been withdrawn.
Although the rezoning application has been withdrawn, the applicant has indicated at this time that they plan to develop the subject property under the current “PD” - Planned Development District zoning, which would allow for a variety of commercial uses, including a “Restaurant or Cafeteria (carry-out only).”
“Restaurant or Cafeteria (carry-out only)” is defined as “an establishment where food is prepared for the general public but where there are no designated areas for dining on the premises (indoor or outdoor).”
On March 23, 2021, the Planning and Zoning Commission voted 6-1-0 to continue the public hearing and table the item to the April 13, 2021 meeting.