Consider/Discuss/Act on a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Contract with Locality Media LLC dba First Due to Provide an Integrated FRMS/EMS System for the McKinney Fire Department
COUNCIL GOAL: Safe and Secure Community
(6A: Maintain Meaningful Public Safety Performance Measures 6D: Continually increase operational efficiency in public safety departments)
MEETING DATE: August 2, 2022
Information Technology
CONTACT: Danny Kistner, Fire Chief
Sid Hudson, Chief Information Officer
Trey Benton, Buyer II
* Approval of Resolution
* This Resolution authorizes the City Manager to execute a contract for an Integrated FRMS/EMS System.
* The City issued a Request for Proposal (RFP), 22-12RFP for Integrated FRMS/EMS System on November 28, 2021.
o Advertised in McKinney Courier Gazette
o Posted on McKinney TV
o 218 matching eBid Supplier Notifications, ten (10) were Historically Underutilized Business (HUB) suppliers.
* Of the 218 supplier notifications, three (3) submittals were received on December 16, 2021.password
* A committee comprised of staff from the Fire Department and Information Technology reviewed and ranked the proposals based on the following criteria:
o 15 Points - Qualifications and Experience
o 30 Points - Functional Systems Proposal
o 10 Points - Infrastructure Proposal
o 10 Points - Service and Maintenance Proposal
o 10 Points - Acceptance Testing Proposal
o 10 Points - Implementation Proposal
o 5 Points - Contractual Exceptions Proposal
o 10 Points - Price Proposal
* Based on the results of the evaluated proposals, the evaluation committee is recommending the execution of a contract to the top-ranking respondent to provide an Integrated FRMS/EMS System. The Resolution will authorize a contract with Locality Media LLC dba First Due of Garden City, New York in an amount of $100,200 for the first year and ...
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