File #: 17-125SUP    Name: Redbud Pump Station Specific Use Permit and Site Plan
Type: Ordinance Status: Approved
In control: City Council Regular Meeting
On agenda: 12/5/2017 Final action: 12/5/2017
Title: Conduct a Public Hearing to Consider/Discuss/Act on a Specific Use Permit and Site Plan for a Pump Station (Redbud Pump Station), Located Approximately 980 Feet South of Bloomdale Road and on the West Side of Redbud Boulevard, and Accompanying Ordinance
Attachments: 1. PZ Minutes 10.24.pdf, 2. PZ Minutes 10.10.pdf, 3. Standard Conditions Checklist, 4. Location Map and Aerial Exhibit, 5. Letter of Intent, 6. Proposed Ordinance, 7. Proposed Exhibits A-C, 8. PowerPoint Presentation


Conduct a Public Hearing to Consider/Discuss/Act on a Specific Use Permit and Site Plan for a Pump Station (Redbud Pump Station), Located Approximately 980 Feet South of Bloomdale Road and on the West Side of Redbud Boulevard, and Accompanying Ordinance




COUNCIL GOAL:                     Direction for Strategic and Economic Growth


MEETING DATE:                     December 5, 2017


DEPARTMENT:                      Planning


CONTACT:                       Brian Lockley, AICP, CPM, Director of Planning

                     Samantha Pickett, AICP, Planning Manager

                     Danielle Quintanilla, Planner I


RECOMMENDED CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Staff recommends approval of the proposed specific use permit and site plan to allow for a utility substation and water storage tanks, with the following conditions:


1.                     The City of McKinney’s Engineering Department receive approval of a variance to allow for an alternate screening device to screen the bay door located on the north side of the building from public right-of-way (McLarry Drive).


Prior to the issuance of a building permit:


2.                     The City of McKinney’s Engineering Department satisfy the conditions as shown on the Standard Conditions for Site Plan Approval Checklist, attached.


APPLICATION SUBMITTAL DATE:                     April 28, 2017 (Original Application)

                                                                                                                              May 30, 2017 (Revised Submittal)

                                                                                                                              August 8, 2017 (Revised Submittal)

                                                                                                                              September 15, 2017 (Revised Submittal)

                                                                                                                              October 11, 2017 (Revised Submittal)


ITEM SUMMARY: The Engineering Department is requesting approval of a specific use permit (SUP) and site plan to allow for a utility substation and water storage tanks on the subject property. The proposed utility substation (Redbud Pump Station) is approximately 11,533 square feet, with a proposed future expansion of approximately 16,000 square feet. A total of four water storage tanks are being proposed, three of which are projected for future expansion of the facility.


The zoning for the subject property (“AG” - Agricultural District) requires that a specific use permit be granted in order to allow for a utility substation and water storage tanks on the subject property. As part of the specific use permit request, the Engineering Department has submitted a site layout exhibit detailing the proposed layout of the building and water storage tanks.


In addition to the specific use permit request, the Engineering Department is requesting approval of a variance for an alternate screening device for the bay door located on the north side of the building from public right-of-way (McLarry Drive). Typically, variances are requested during the site plan review process. However, since a site layout exhibit is required for the specific use permit request, Staff has combined the specific use permit and the site plan as one request. Approval of the specific use permit shall also constitute approval of the site plan and associated variance request. The variance request is detailed further below.


The Engineering Department has submitted the associated preliminary-final plat (17-126PF) which is currently under review.


On October 10, 2017, the Planning and Zoning Commission voted 7-0-0 to continue the public hearing and table the item to the October 24, 2017 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting per the City of McKinney’s Engineering Department’s request.


PLATTING STATUS:  The subject property is currently unplatted. A record plat or plats, subject to review and approval by the Director of Planning, must be filed for recordation with the Collin County Clerk, prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy.





Zoning District (Permitted Land Uses)

Existing Land Use

Subject Property

“AG” - Agricultural District (Agricultural Uses) and “CC” - Corridor Commercial Overlay District

Undeveloped Land


“AG” - Agricultural District (Agricultural Uses) and “CC” - Corridor Commercial Overlay District

Undeveloped Land


“AG” - Agricultural District (Agricultural Uses), “LI” - Light Industrial District (Industrial Uses) and “CC” - Corridor Commercial Overlay District

Undeveloped Land


“LI” - Light Industrial District (Industrial Uses)

Undeveloped Land


“LI” - Light Industrial District (Industrial Uses), “C” - Planned Center District (Commercial Uses) and “CC” - Corridor Commercial Overlay District

Undeveloped Land


SPECIFIC USE PERMITS: When acting on a request for a specific use permit, the following factors should be considered: 


                     Compatibility with adjacent and neighboring land uses in the immediate area


                     Adaptability of building structures to the proposed use


                     Infrastructure requirements: roads, sidewalks, access to public streets, parking, and drainage


                     Elements such as screening, open space, building heights, and compatibility of existing buildings to the proposed use


Staff has evaluated the request based on the above mentioned parameters and is of the professional opinion that the site is appropriate for a utility substation and water storage tanks. Given that the area is industrial in nature, the Future Land Use Plan (FLUP) calls for this area to be industrial and the future, adjacent developments are proposed to be industrial uses, the utility substation and water storage tanks will be compatible with adjacent, future surrounding land uses.


SITE LAYOUT: The attached exhibit provides a general layout of the utility substation and water storage tanks. The site circulation, screening, parking, sanitation, and landscaping requirements are in general conformance with the Zoning Ordinance.  Approval of the specific use permit shall also constitute approval of the site plan and landscape plan for the proposed development.


IMPACT ON EXISTING DEVELOPMENT:  Staff does not anticipate that the specific use permit request would have a negative impact on adjacent developments. 


CONFORMANCE TO THE FUTURE LAND USE PLAN (FLUP):  The Future Land Use Plan (FLUP) designates this area for Industrial.  A utility substation and water storage tanks are allowed uses in an agricultural district, with approval of an SUP.  The proposed specific use permit request is not in conflict with the FLUP.




Adjacent Streets:                                          Redbud Boulevard, 100’ Right-of-Way, Minor Arterial


McLarry Drive, Future 100’ Right-of-Way, Collector


PARKING: The Engineering Department has satisfied the minimum parking requirements as specified within Section 146-130 (Vehicle Parking) of the Zoning Ordinance.


LOADING SPACES: The Engineering Department has satisfied the minimum loading space requirements as specified within Section 146-131 (Off-Street Loading) of the Zoning Ordinance.


SOLID WASTE CONTAINERS:  The sanitation container screening walls will be brick, stone masonry or other architectural masonry finish, including a metal gate, primed and painted, and the sanitation container screening walls, gate, and pad site will be constructed in accordance with the City of McKinney Design Specifications.  The Engineering Department has provided the required notation on the proposed site plan.


LANDSCAPING REQUIREMENTS: The Engineering Department has satisfied all landscaping requirements as specified in Section 146-135 (Landscape Requirements) of the Zoning Ordinance.


SCREENING REQUIREMENTS: Per Section 146-132 (Fencing, walls, and screening requirements), loading docks, bays, and bay doors shall be screened from view of public right-of-way, from adjacent residential property and from adjacent non-residential property, other than industrial.


Allowed screening devices per Section 146-132 (Fences, Walls, and Screening Requirements) of the Zoning Ordinance include the following:


§                     Brick masonry, stone masonry, or other architectural masonry finish;


§                     Tubular steel (primed and painted) or wrought iron fence with masonry columns spaced a maximum of 20 feet on center with structural supports spaced every ten feet, and with sufficient evergreen landscaping to create a screening effect;


§                     Living plant screen, upon approval by the Planning and Zoning Commission and/or City Council, depending on which body has the final approval authority as indicated in section 146-45(a)(2) through the site plan process; or


§                     Alternate equivalent screening, upon approval by the Planning and Zoning Commission and/or City Council, depending on which body has the final approval authority as indicated in section 146-45(a)(2) through the site plan process.


The Engineering Department is requesting an alternate screening device for the bay door located on the north side of the building from public right-of-way (McLarry Drive), consisting of an 8’ tall chain link fence, Cedar Elm trees, Dwarf Wax Myrtle shrubs and an existing copse of trees on the northwest portion of the property, which will remain until the future phases are constructed. Furthermore, the chemical building just southwest of the bay door will provide partial screening. The Zoning Ordinance states that a variance can be granted during site plan approval if the City Council finds that:


§                     Unique circumstances exist on the property that make application of specific items in this section (Sec. 146-132) unduly burdensome on the applicant;


§                     The variance will have no adverse impact on current or future development;


§                     The variance is in keeping with the spirit of the zoning regulations, and will have a minimal impact, if any, on the surrounding land uses; and


§                     The variance will have no adverse impact on public health, safety, and general welfare.


The Engineering Department has indicated their request to use an alternate screening device, as a traditional screening material with piers and a foundation could interfere with the existing, buried infrastructure located north of the proposed building. Although a chain link fence is not an ideal screening material, it has been indicated as a temporary structure, and will be enhanced by the existing trees as well as the proposed Cedar Elm trees and Wax Myrtle shrubs. During a future phase, an 8’ tall wrought iron decorative fence with masonry columns and evergreen shrubs will be constructed along McLarry Drive, satisfying the screening requirement per the Ordinance. Additionally, once the future water tanks have been constructed, indicated as future phases, these water tanks will provide further screening of the bay door from McLarry Drive.


Given the proposed chain link fence, row of shade trees and shrubs to be planted along a portion of the chain link fence and existing trees to remain in place, it is Staff’s professional opinion that the Engineering Department has met the intent of the Zoning Ordinance. As such, Staff has no objections to the variance request to waive the required screening of the proposed bay door on the north side of the building.


The Engineering Department has satisfied all other minimum requirements as specified in Section 146-132 (Fences, Walls, and Screening Requirements) of the Zoning Ordinance.


LIGHTING AND GLARE REGULATIONS:  The Engineering Department will be responsible for complying with Chapter 58 (Lighting and Glare Regulations) of the City of McKinney Code of Ordinances.  The Engineering Department has provided the required notation stating that the lighting will be in conformance to the requirements of the City of McKinney Code of Ordinances on the site plan.


ARCHITECTURAL STANDARDS:  The Engineering Department will be responsible for meeting the requirements of Section 146-139 (Architectural and Site Standards) of the City of McKinney Zoning Ordinance.  Architectural building elevations are subject to review and approval by the Chief Building Official, prior to issuance of a building permit. 


TREE PRESERVATION ORDINANCE:  The Engineering Department will be responsible for complying with the Tree Preservation Ordinance.




Sidewalks:                                          Required along Redbud Boulevard and McLarry Drive


Hike and Bike Trails:                     Not Required


Road Improvements:                     All road improvements necessary for this development, and as determined by the City Engineer


Utilities:                                          All utilities necessary for this development, and as determined by the City Engineer


Discussion: Under the requirements of the Subdivision Ordinance, the Engineering Department will be required to construct all necessary public improvements prior to filing the accompanying plat, unless otherwise specified in an approved facilities agreement.


DRAINAGE:  The Engineering Department will be responsible for all drainage associated with the subject property, and for compliance with the Storm Water Ordinance, which may require on-site detention.  Grading and drainage plans are subject to review and approval by the City Engineer, prior to issuance of a building permit. 




Roadway Impact Fees:                     Applicable (Ordinance No. 2013-11-108)


Utility Impact Fees:                                                               Applicable (Ordinance No. 2017-02-021)


Median Landscape Fees:                                          Not Applicable


Park Land Dedication Fees:                     Not Applicable


Pro-Rata:                                                                                                         As determined by the City Engineer


OPPOSITION TO OR SUPPORT OF REQUEST:  Staff has received no comments in support of or opposition to this request.


BOARD OR COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: On October 24, 2017, the Planning and Zoning Commission voted 7-0-0 to recommend approval of the proposed rezoning request.