File #: 24-2274    Name: PC 25-15 SBG Sip & Stroll
Type: Agenda Item Status: Agenda Ready
In control: McKinney Community Development Corporation
On agenda: 12/19/2024 Final action:
Title: Consider/Discuss Promotional and Community Event Grant Application Submitted by SBG Hospitality (PC 25-15) in the Amount of $15,000.00 for the Advertising, Marketing and Promotion of the 2025 Sip and Stroll Series.
Attachments: 1. Application Packet, 2. Presentation
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Consider/Discuss Promotional and Community Event Grant Application Submitted by SBG Hospitality (PC 25-15) in the Amount of $15,000.00 for the Advertising, Marketing and Promotion of the 2025 Sip and Stroll Series.




COUNCIL GOAL:                     5: Enhance Quality of Life in McKinney

5C: Continue to market and highlight McKinney as a unique destination for residents and visitors alike.


MEETING DATE:                     December 19, 2024


DEPARTMENT:                      McKinney Community Development Corporation


CONTACT:                       Cindy Schneible, President



                     SBG Hospitality is requesting $15,000 for the advertising, marketing and promotion of the 2025 Sip and Stroll Series.

                     The Series consists of four events: St. Pat’s Beer Walk on March 15, Craft Beer Walk on June 14, Margarita Stroll on July 12, and Spooktacular Beer Walk on October 25.

                     All events take place in the Downtown Historic Cultural District.

                     Ticket cost is $35 per walk. Margarita Stroll will offer a limited amount of tickets at $35 and remainder at $40 (due to cost of product).

                     20% of net proceeds from each event will be donated to McKinney Main Street.

                     Additionally, $1500 per event will be donated to a local nonprofit.

                     Attendance is capped at 1,500 per event, and total attendance goal for all four events combined is 5,500.



                     SBG Hospitality is an event production and marketing company located in McKinney. Festival productions have included McKinney St. Patrick’s Day Festival & Shamrock Run, McKinney Wine and Music Festival, McKinney Fall Festival & Monster Dash 5K, and Sip & Stroll Series.

                     SBG events are designed to drive traffic and visitors to the city and increase sales for restaurants, artists, and shops.



                     MCDC’s allocation for Promotional and Community Event grants for FY 25 is $250,000 -- $125,000 for Cycle I applicants and $125,000 for Cycle II applicants.

                     SBG was awarded grants totaling $20,000 in FY 24 for advertising, marketing and promotion of the McKinney Sip & Stroll Series ($15,000) and the McKinney Wine and Music Festival ($5,000).



                     Application Packet
