File #: 25-2564    Name: CO - Graves and First Street Project - Design
Type: Resolution Status: Consent Item
In control: City Council Regular Meeting
On agenda: 3/18/2025 Final action:
Title: Consider/Discuss/Act on a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Contract with Gresham Smith for Professional Engineering Design Services for the CO2405 - Combined Infrastructure Reconstruction (Graves and First Street) Project and Authorizing Any Necessary Supplemental Agreements
Attachments: 1. Resolution, 2. Location Map
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Consider/Discuss/Act on a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Contract with Gresham Smith for Professional Engineering Design Services for the CO2405 - Combined Infrastructure Reconstruction (Graves and First Street) Project and Authorizing Any Necessary Supplemental Agreements




COUNCIL GOAL:                     Operational Excellence

                     (2A: Balance available resources to accommodate the growth and maintenance needs of the city)


MEETING DATE:                     March 18, 2025


DEPARTMENT:                     Development Services / Engineering


CONTACT:                     Katie McKenzie, PE, CIP Engineering Manager

                     Melvin Machayo, PE, Senior Utility Engineer



                     Approval of Resolution.



                     This Resolution authorizes the City Manager to execute a contract in the amount of $1,165,414, as well as all required supplemental agreements thereto, with Gresham Smith for professional consulting engineering services for the  Combined Infrastructure Reconstruction (Graves and First Street) Project (CO2405), for a total aggregate contract amount, inclusive of any supplemental agreements, not to exceed $1,282,000.



                     The FY25 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) includes annual funding focused on prioritized replacement of street pavement, water mains, and wastewater mains citywide based on current condition and needs.

                     The FY25 Budget has identified these improvements for the utilities and paving for the following streets:

o                     Graves Street between Greenwood Road and Harroun Avenue.

o                     First Avenue between Graves Street and College Street.

                     Design will provide improvements to street pavement reconstruction, underground water and wastewater, enclosed storm drainage system construction, recommendation for pedestrian walkways/ADA accessibility, construction of driveways and retaining walls, grading, landscaping, and other associated street elements.

                     Gresham Smith submitted a response to RFQ 24-47 for On-call Utility Design Services.  They were one of sixteen firms shortlisted by City Council on September 17, 2024. 

                     Gresham Smith, Inc. submitted a proposal for this project in the amount of $1,165,414 which has been reviewed by staff and is recommended for approval. Their scope includes the following elements:

o                     Basic Services (Design & Bid Phase Services)

o                     Special Services (Construction Administration, Surveying for Design, Franchise Utility Coordination, Subsurface Utility Engineering, ROW and Easement Documents, Geotechnical Investigations, Public Involvement, Environmental Investigation, Sidewalk E valuation and Alternate Bid Package Preparation)

                     The preliminary opinion of probable construction cost (OPCC) is $12,785,000 which includes assumed construction inflation contingencies.

                     The fee for basic services is $717,630 (5.57% of the OPCC) and the fee for special services is $447,784 (3.48% of the OPCC).

                     Staff is recommending a 10% contract contingency (included as a total aggregate contract amount) in the event minor additional engineering services are required during the design or construction phase.

                     Pending approval of this item, design would begin immediately with construction expected to begin as soon as Summer 2025.


                     The Resolution authorizes a contract with Gresham Smith for an amount not to exceed $1,282,000. Professional Services under this contract will utilize the following projects and funding accounts:

o                     Project CO2405 - Fund 21 - Streets (63.00%) - $807,660.

o                     Project CO2405 - Fund 20 - Water (21.45%) - $275,000.

o                     Project CO2405 - Fund 20 - Wastewater (15.55%) - $199,340.

                     With the approval of this item, $42,340 will remain in CO2405 Fund 21 (Streets).

                     With the approval of this item, $175,660 will remain in CO2405 Fund 20 (Utility).

                     Additional funding necessary for the construction of these improvements will be included in the upcoming Capital Improvement Program Budget to be determined.


