File #: 25-2595    Name: RI 25-03 Samaritan Inn
Type: Agenda Item Status: Agenda Ready
In control: McKinney Community Development Corporation
On agenda: 3/27/2025 Final action:
Title: Consider/Discuss/Act on a Retail Development Infrastructure Grant Application Submitted by Samaritan Inn, Inc. (RI 25-03) in an Amount of Ten Thousand Eight Hundred and NO/100 Dollars ($10,800.00) for Installation of Wrought Iron Security Fencing Surrounding The Inn Style Retail Store, Located at 103 East University Drive, McKinney, Texas. Amount Represents 75% of the Total Project Cost.
Attachments: 1. Application Packet, 2. Presentation
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Consider/Discuss/Act on a Retail Development Infrastructure Grant Application Submitted by Samaritan Inn, Inc. (RI 25-03) in an Amount of Ten Thousand Eight Hundred and NO/100 Dollars ($10,800.00) for Installation of Wrought Iron Security Fencing Surrounding The Inn Style Retail Store, Located at 103 East University Drive, McKinney, Texas. Amount Represents 75% of the Total Project Cost.




COUNCIL GOAL:                     1: Direction for Strategic and Economic Growth

1C: Continue to develop a retail strategy for key areas of the community to diversify revenue sources and expand entertainment, dining and shopping options and tourism.


MEETING DATE:                     March 27, 2025


DEPARTMENT:                      McKinney Community Development Corporation


CONTACT:                       Cindy Schneible, President



                     McKinney Community Development Corporation will conduct a public hearing on a Retail Development Infrastructure Grant application submitted by Samaritan Inn, Inc. in the amount of $10,800 for the installation of wrought iron security fencing surrounding their retail location.

                     Inn Style Resale Store is a vital source of revenue for the Samaritan Inn.

                     The addition of fencing would enhance security for shoppers, staff and volunteers; deter illegal dumping, theft, vandalism, and littering; reduce loitering, criminal activities, and burden on local law enforcement; improve appearance of the site; and boost revenues.




                     For over 40 years, The Samaritan Inn has delivered hope and meaningful support to people experiencing homelessness.

                     Their mission is to serve as a comprehensive housing program that supports individuals in realizing dignity and gaining independence.

                     In 2024, The Samaritan Inn served over 1,000 people, 503 of whom participated in one of their core housing programs.

                     The Inn Style Retail Store was established in 2005 as a revenue source for The Samaritan Inn. While revenue from the store supports the Inn, the store benefits the community by providing quality, gently used items at a low price.



                     Funds allocated for MCDC Retail Development Infrastructure Grants total $300,000 ($150,000 for each of 2 cycles).

                     The request is eligible for MCDC consideration under Section 501.103 of the Texas Local Government Code - definition of “project.”



                     Application Packet
