File #: 25-2504    Name: Funding Recommendations or Program Changes for Community Support Grant
Type: Agenda Item Status: Agenda Ready
In control: Community Grants Advisory Commission
On agenda: 2/27/2025 Final action:
Title: Conduct a Public Hearing to Consider Funding Recommendations or Program Changes Under the McKinney FY 2024-2025 Community Support Grant.
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Conduct a Public Hearing to Consider Funding Recommendations or Program Changes Under the McKinney FY 2024-2025 Community Support Grant.




COUNCIL GOAL:                     To Improve Quality of Life in McKinney


MEETING DATE:                     February 27, 2025

DEPARTMENT:                     Housing and Community Development


CONTACT:                     Shirletta Best, Community Services Administrator




                      Recommend funding for City Council approval.



                     The Community Grants Advisory Commission (CGAC) will conduct a public hearing for recommendations or program changes under the Community Support Grant (CSG).



                     The CSG provides nonprofit organizations flexibility to competitively apply for funding on an annual basis, under the criteria of public service priority needs; service impacts to the community; duplication of services from other agencies; sources of agency funding; and presentation critique. Funds for the CSG are allocated through the City of McKinney’s General Fund (Account #: 001-9999-403.85-59). Programs under the CSG consist of nonprofit, and city administered programs. Grant funding for the CSG awards will occur during the budget process. Off-budget-cycle funding may be granted in the rare instance that additional funds become available during the grant cycle. The CSG includes a minimum grant request of $3,000. There is no maximum grant award amount. Grant priorities include the following:

o                     Basic Needs: including Food, clothing, housing and shelter, non-financial assistance.

o                     Health and Medical Treatment: Including Mental Health.

o                     Housing: Financial Assistance.

o                     Transportation: The sole service being provided, to benefit participants under the granted public service.


                     The CGAC typically conducts the Consolidated Grants application process annually from February to June. The CGAC conducted public hearings and meetings May 9, May 16 and June 6, 2024, to determine funding recommendations for the FY 2024-2025 program year.

                     The FY2024-2025 Budget for the City of McKinney was approved in September 2024.  Under the Housing and Community Department budget, departmental funding was approved for homeless response under Account #: 001-1253-413-8516 in the amount of $30,000.  As a part of the homelessness response strategy, the city was prepared to assist operation of the McKinney Emergency Overnight Warming Station through Emmanuel Labor, with a grant of $12,000.  Emmanuel Labor presented their proposal to the CGAC in May 2024 for public information.

                     All homeless response programs began in January 2025. Upon consultation with the Legal department, the city determined that the activity is not fully city-administered, and funding should serve as a pass-through grant. This requires the amount of $12,000 to be transferred from the Housing and Community Development budget to the Community Support Grant Fund. This transfer action is an authorized action under the City Manager.

                     As the CSG funding is under the purview of the CGAC, Commissioners will conduct a public hearing and provide recommendations to amend the Community Support Grant to include the organization, Emmanuel Labor.  This request will be presented to the Council in March 2025.  Additionally, in preparation for the upcoming FY 2025-2026 Consolidated Grant application process, staff will also discuss with Commissioners the need to insert a new category under the CSG for homeless response.



                     Consider and approve funding recommendations for Council consideration.

                     Activity:  Emmanuel Labor - Agency. Funding to provide program support toward the operation of a McKinney Emergency Overnight Warming Station, to assist unsheltered residents. Grant award in the amount of $12,000.

                     Funding will transfer from Account #: 001-1253-413-8516 to 001-9999-403.85-59.