File #: 25-2565    Name: CO2216 - Industrial Utility Imp - RJN
Type: Resolution Status: Consent Item
In control: City Council Regular Meeting
On agenda: 3/18/2025 Final action:
Title: Consider/Discuss/Act on a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Contract with RJN Group, Inc. for Professional Engineering Services for the Industrial Boulevard Utility Improvements (SH 5 to Millwood Road) Project and Any Necessary Supplemental Agreements
Attachments: 1. Resolution, 2. Location Map
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Consider/Discuss/Act on a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Contract with RJN Group, Inc. for Professional Engineering Services for the Industrial Boulevard Utility Improvements (SH 5 to Millwood Road) Project and Any Necessary Supplemental Agreements




COUNCIL GOAL:                     Operational Excellence

(2B: Balance available resources to accommodate the growth and maintenance needs of the city)


MEETING DATE:                     March 18, 2025


DEPARTMENT:                      Development Services / Engineering


CONTACT:                       Katie McKenzie, PE, CIP Manager

                     Manjeeta Sitaula, CIP Engineer





                     Approval of Resolution.




                     This Resolution authorizes the City Manager to execute a contract in the amount of $836,290.00, as well as all required supplemental agreements thereto, with RJN Group, Inc. for professional engineering services for the Industrial Boulevard Utility Improvements (SH 5 to Millwood Road) Project (CIP Projects WA2216 & WW2216), for a total aggregate contract amount, inclusive of any supplemental agreements, not to exceed $970,000.00.




                     The Capital Improvements Program (CIP) includes recurring programmed funding for major repairs and/or replacements of existing water and wastewater mains which have reached the end of their service life and/or have known maintenance concerns.

                     CIP Projects WA2216 & WW2216 include funding for the Industrial Boulevard Utility Improvements Project from McDonald Street (SH5) to Millwood Road.

                     This project was previously awarded to JQ Infrastructure, LLC; however, the contract was terminated due to non-compliant deliverables. As a result, the project is now being re-initiated for award to a qualified consultant who can successfully meet the project requirements and timelines.

                     The project will include replacement of approximately 7,700 feet of existing water main and approximately 2,000 feet of wastewater main along Industrial Boulevard between McDonald Street (SH5) and Millwood Road.

                     The project will also consider the abandonment of the private lift station located approximately 750 feet south of Industrial Boulevard west of the railroad tracks. If deemed feasible, the Consultant will provide the additional design services under Special Services.  

                     RJN Group, Inc. submitted a response to RFQ 24-44 for On-Call Utility Professional Services. They were one of sixteen firms shortlisted by City Council on September 17, 2024.

                     Staff has negotiated a scope and fee from RJN Group, Inc. for professional engineering services and construction administration services in the amount of $836,290.00.

                     The preliminary opinion of probable construction cost is $6,110,000.00.

                     The fee for basic services is $476,140.00 (8% of the engineer’s opinion of probable cost of construction) and the fee for special services is $360,150.00 (6% of the engineer’s opinion of probable cost of construction).

                     Special services typically include franchise utility coordination, subsurface utility engineering, preparation of necessary right-of-way and/or easements, environmental investigations, and limited construction administration.

                     Staff is requesting approval of a not to exceed (NTE) amount of $970,000.00 in the event minor adjustments in the project scope are required during the design or construction administration services provided.

                     Design of this project is anticipated to take approximately 12 months to complete with construction estimated to begin in fall 2026.



This Resolution authorizes a design contract and any necessary supplemental agreements with RJN Group, Inc. for an amount not to exceed $970,000.00. Professional Services under this contract will utilize the following projects and funding accounts:

o                     Project WA2216 - Account 20 - Water (84%) - $814,800.00

o                     Project WW2216 - Account 20 - Wastewater (16%) - $155,200.00


                     With the approval of this item, $4,233,655.08 will remain in WA2216 and $1,267,631.67 will remain in WW2216.