File #: 17-1181    Name: TAP SRTS Construction Contract
Type: Resolution Status: Approved
In control: City Council Regular Meeting
On agenda: 12/5/2017 Final action: 12/5/2017
Title: Consider/Discuss/Act on a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Contract and All Necessary Change Orders with Cam-Crete Contracting, Inc. for the Construction of the Transportation Alternatives Program School Pedestrian Safety Enhancements (TR1603)
Attachments: 1. Resolution, 2. Letter of Recommendation, 3. Cockrill Hill Sidewalk, 4. Silverado Trail Sidewalk, 5. Driver Feedback Sign Locations


Consider/Discuss/Act on a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Contract and All Necessary Change Orders with Cam-Crete Contracting, Inc. for the Construction of the Transportation Alternatives Program School Pedestrian Safety Enhancements (TR1603)




COUNCIL GOAL:                     Direction for Strategic Growth


MEETING DATE:                     December 5, 2017


DEPARTMENT:                     Development Services / Engineering


CONTACT:                     Nicholas Ataie, PE, CIP Manager
Jason Horn, PE, CIP Engineer



                     Approval of Resolution.



                     This Resolution authorizes the City Manager to execute a contract and all necessary change orders with Cam-Crete Contracting, Inc. for the construction of the Transportation Alternatives Program School Pedestrian Safety Enhancements project for a total contract amount not to exceed $450,000.



                     On May 6th, 2014 the City Council approved a resolution supporting the submittal of the School Pedestrian Safety Enhancements project application for the 2014 Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) Call for Projects through the North Central Texas of Governments (NCTCOG).

                     The project includes:

o                     Installation of in-street school crossing signs at designated school crossings on multi-lane street with an adult crossing guard to establish a better visibility for those crossings

o                     Installation of driver feedback signage to promote compliance with the 20 mph school speed zone at selected locations.

o                     Installation of sidewalks at locations where gaps exist in existing school route paths.

                     In December 2015, TxDOT executed a Local Participation Advance Funding Agreement (LPAFA) with the City of McKinney for the project in the amount of $426,695, whereas $62,800 was allocated for design and $363,895 was allocated for construction.

                     Transportation Development Credits were utilized to offset the required 20% local match for the Federal funding.

                     Teague, Nall, and Perkins, Inc. prepared the construction plans for this project.

                     One bid was received for this project (Bid 17-84CC) on October 12, 2017. The following is a summary of the bids:

Bid No.


Bid Amount


Cam-Crete Contracting, Inc.


                     Cam-Crete Contracting, Inc. submitted the low bid in the amount of $410,968.00.  Although the bid was higher than anticipated, Teague, Nall, and Perkins, Inc. researched and concluded that the prices were acceptable due to normal price inflation (project awarded in 2015) combined with recent flooding in Houston and other coastal areas raising the cost of construction and labor (as stated in attached letter of recommendation).

                     Cam-Crete Contracting, Inc. submitted references and qualifications that were verified in accordance with the bid specifications as shown in the attached letter of recommendation.

                     The contract documents require that this project be completed within 150 calendar days after issuance of the Notice to Proceed, which is expected January 8, 2018. Construction is expected to be complete by June 2018.



                     This Resolution authorizes a contract and all necessary change orders with Cam-Crete Contracting, Inc. for an amount not to exceed $450,000.

                     Funds will be available in the Capital Improvements Program in TR1603 contingent upon approval of the accompanying budget item.

                     With approval of this item and accompanying resolution amending the FY 2018-2022 Capital Improvement Program, $3,895 will remain in TR1603.


