Consider/Discuss/Act on an Ordinance Calling a November 5, 2024 Charter Amendment Election
COUNCIL GOAL: Operational Excellence
MEETING DATE: August 6, 2024
DEPARTMENT: City Council
CONTACT: Mark Houser, City Attorney
Trevor Minyard, Director of Strategic Services
• Approval of an Ordinance containing Charter Amendment propositions to be included on the General Election ballot on November 5, 2024
• A Spanish language translation of the approved ordinance will be posted and published in accordance with the prescribed Notice of Election schedule.
• On May 21, 2024, the McKinney City Council constituted a Charter Commission to study primarily four (4) areas of the Home Rule Charter and to make non-binding recommendations to the City Council.
• On July 23, 2024, the Charter Commission delivered its recommendations to the City Council.
• The City Council will consider calling a Charter Election with ballot propositions addressing primarily the following four (4) areas:
1) Council member Terms, including but not limited to, the number of terms
2) City Council Composition, including but not limited to, the aggregate number of council member seats and the respective number of “at-large” member seats and “district” member seats
3) Council member Compensation
4) Non-Substantive amendments to update the Charter to conform with current state law and to remove any practices, provisions or policies no longer used by the City
• The November 5, 2024 Election ballot propositions related to Charter Amendments will be finalized in the Work Session that immediately precedes the Regular Meeting.
• The Ordinance calling the Charter Election will be available immediately after the Regular City Council meeting; however, the polling places, voting hours and other scheduling aspects of the election will be supplemented upon receipt of final information from the Collin County Elections Administrator later this month.
• The primary Charter Sections to be discussed and considered in a Charter Election will be Section 8. Number of Council Members, Section 9. Council Election, Section 10. Council Districts, and Section 16. Council Compensation.
• The number of ballot propositions will depend on the direction received from the City Council at the Work Session.
• The City Charter may be amended no more than once every two (2) years as provided by the laws of the State of Texas.
• The last Charter Election was held on May 4, 2019.
• The City’s cost for this Election will be determined by the City’s contract with the Collin County Elections Administrator which contract will be received later this month. The contract will include polling services, translation services; production and distribution of a voter’s information guide; and advertisements and legal notices. The cost of elections includes several variables, including but not limited to: # of participating public entities, # of voting locations, type of required publications/advertising, type of election, and number of voters. The overall City costs of elections for the past 6 years are listed below:
2017 - May General $16,487
2019 - May General & Special $36,950
2020 - November Special $93,374
2021 - May General $57,084
2022 - January Special $192,153
2022 - November Special $237,416
2023 - May General & Special $185,677
• Funding for this item is available and allocated in the General Fund/Non-Departmental budget.