Consider/Discuss/Act on a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Pre-Construction Contract with Swinerton Builders for Construction Manager at Risk Pre-Construction Services Related to the Design and Construction of the McKinney National Airport Commercial Terminal Project (AI2250)
COUNCIL GOAL: Maximum the Development Potential of McKinney National Airport
(3A: Implement initiatives and strategies, including public-private partnerships, to attract and expand corporate and commercial aviation, including the viability of passenger service)
MEETING DATE: February 18, 2025
DEPARTMENT: McKinney National Airport
Facilities Construction Division
CONTACT: Kenneth Carley, Director of Airport
Patricia L. Jackson, PE, Facilities Construction Manager
• Approval of the Resolution.
• This Resolution authorizes a preconstruction services contract to provide complete preconstruction services related to the design and construction of the McKinney National Airport Commercial Terminal located in McKinney, Texas 75069.
• The selected consultant, Swinerton Builders submitted a proposal to provide preconstruction services for the McKinney National Airport Commercial Terminal (MNACT) for $35,000 plus a CMAR construction services fee of 1.95%.
• The City issued a request for qualifications (25-12CMAR) to solicit responses from qualified firms for construction of the McKinney National Airport Commercial Terminal Project on October 6, 2024.
o Advertised in the McKinney Courier Gazette
o Posted on McKinney TV
o 1,295 matching eBid Supplier Notifications
o Including 67 HUB supplier notifications
• Out of 1,295 supplier notifications, nine (9) statements of qualifications (SOQs) were received on November 14, 2024.
• A committee comprised of staff from the Airport, Public Works, and City Manager’s Office reviewed and ranked the SOQs based on the following criteria:
o 40 Points: Firm & Individual Qualifications
o 25 Points: Capability & Capacity to Perform Work
o 20 Points: References
o 10 Points: Proposed Project Schedule
o 5 Points: Submittal Completeness and Conformance
• Of the nine firms, a total of five (5) firms were selected based on qualifications to participate in step two of the process and were requested to submit proposals including fees for the project. Proposals were received on January 7, 2025. The proposals were reviewed and ranked on the following criteria:
o 25 Points: Proposal fees, staffing plan, project schedule, proposed bond rating, proposed general conditions.
• Of the five finalists, three (3) firms were invited to interview with the committee on January 16, 2025. The interviews were scored on the following criteria:
o 25 Points: Project team presentation, interaction, communication skills, and response to interview questions.
• Swinerton Builders was determined to be the top ranked firm after both steps of the CMAR selection process.
• Swinerton Builders is a national construction firm and a top aviation construction firm providing industry-leading commercial construction and construction management services for over 100 years. They have successfully completed multiple projects for many other municipalities and are nearing a successful completion on another McKinney National Airport project.
• Future agenda items associated with this project will be presented for consideration including one for the Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) which would authorize an amendment to this contract allowing for full construction services.
• The Resolution authorizes the City Manager to execute a professional services contract for preconstruction services, including potential changes to the scope of services, with Swinerton Builders for an amount not to exceed $35,000.
• Upon approval of this item, $20,220 will remain in the project (AI2250).
• N/A