File #: 24-0018Z    Name: Wilson 155 Mixed-Use Rezone
Type: Agenda Item Status: Regular Agenda Item
In control: Planning & Zoning Commission
On agenda: 3/11/2025 Final action:
Title: Conduct a Public Hearing to Consider/Discuss/Act on a Request to Rezone the Subject Property from "PD" - Planned Development District to "PD" - Planned Development District, Generally to Allow Multi-Family Residential Uses and Modify the Development Standards, Located on the South Side of Laud Howell Parkway and Located on the Northeast and Northwest Intersections of Laud Howell Parkway and Trinity Falls Parkway
Attachments: 1. Location Map and Aerial Exhibit, 2. Letter of Intent, 3. Comprehensive Plan Maps, 4. Honey Creek District, 5. Placetype Definitions, 6. Land Use Comparison Table, 7. Ex. PD Ord. No. 2013-07-065, 8. Ex. PD Ord. No. 2017-03-031, 9. Proposed Zoning Exhibit, 10. Metes and Bounds, 11. Proposed Development Regulations, 12. Proposed Regulating Plan, 13. Presentation
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Conduct a Public Hearing to Consider/Discuss/Act on a Request to Rezone the Subject Property from “PD” - Planned Development District to “PD” - Planned Development District, Generally to Allow Multi-Family Residential Uses and Modify the Development Standards, Located on the South Side of Laud Howell Parkway and Located on the Northeast and Northwest Intersections of Laud Howell Parkway and Trinity Falls Parkway




COUNCIL GOAL:                     Direction for Strategic and Economic Growth

(1C: Provide a strong city economy by facilitating a balance between industrial, commercial, residential and open space)


MEETING DATE:                     March 11, 2025


DEPARTMENT:                     Development Services - Planning Department


CONTACT:                     Jake Bennett, Planner II

                     Caitlyn Strickland, AICP, Planning Manager

                     Jennifer Arnold, AICP, Director of Planning


APPROVAL PROCESS: The recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission will be forwarded to the City Council for final action at the March 31, 2025 meeting.


STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the proposed rezoning request with the following special ordinance provisions:


1.                     The subject property shall be zoned “PD” - Planned Development District and shall be subject to the following special ordinance provision:


a.                     The subject property shall develop in accordance with the attached development regulations.

APPLICATION SUBMITTAL DATE:                     February 12, 2024 (Original Application)

                                                                                                                              August 2, 2024 (Revised Submittal)

                                                                                                                              October 3, 2024 (Revised Submittal)

                                                                                                                              November 12, 2024 (Revised Submittal)

                                                                                                                              December 17, 2024 (Revised Submittal)


ITEM SUMMARY: The applicant requests to rezone approximately 146 acres of land, generally for a mixed of uses including commercial, retail, office, multi-family residential and open space, as further detailed below.





Zoning District (Permitted Land Uses)

Existing Land Use

Subject Property

“PD” - Planned Development District (Commercial Uses)

Undeveloped Land


“C1” - Neighborhood Commercial District and “AG” - Agriculture District (Commercial and Agricultural Uses)

Utility Substation and Undeveloped Land


“PD” - Planned Development District, “AG” - Agriculture District, and City of McKinney ETJ (Residential Uses and Dedicated Open Space)

Collin County Campus


“PD” - Planned Development District (Multi-Family Residential and Commercial Uses)

Undeveloped Land


“PD” - Planned Development District and City of McKinney ETJ (Agricultural Uses and Dedicated Open Space)

Undeveloped Land


PROPOSED ZONING: The current zoning on the property limits development to commercial uses only. The applicant requests to rezone the subject property generally to allow for a mix of uses including commercial, retail, office, multi-family residential and open space, as detailed below.


The applicant has provided a zoning exhibit and regulating plan that divides the property into 4 unique tracts, each with associated development regulations that stipulate the permitted uses and development standards permitted. More information regarding the proposed use and development standards are further discussed below:


Tract I

Tract I is located at the northwesterly corner of Laud Howell Parkway and Trinity Falls Parkway and is approximately 10.7 acres in size.


                     Multi-Family Residential Uses (Traditional)


o                     The applicant proposes to development multi-family residential uses on this tract consistent with the “MF30” - Multi-Family Residential District with a maximum of 321 dwelling units permitted.


o                     Outside of the typical development standards for multi-family uses, the applicant proposes a build-to-zone of 0-20 feet and a minimum and maximum height of 4 stories and 6 stories respectively. The proposed zoning also requires that a minimum of ten residential amenities be provided as opposed to the typical requirement of five.


Tract II

Tract II is located at the southwesterly corner of Laud Howell Parkway and Trinity Falls Parkway and is approximately 18 acres in size.


Multi-Family Residential Uses (Brownstone)


o                     The applicant proposes to development multi-family residential uses in a brownstone-style format with a maximum of 185 units. The “brownstones” would develop in a similar fashion to townhomes, but multiple units would be permitted per lot.


o                     As proposed, at least 80 percent of the buildings on the tract would be required to provide a minimum of 5 units per building and a maximum of 8 units per building with independent entries for each unit that are accessible from the ground floor via a porch, walkway, and/or stoop. Brownstone multi-family units require a minimum height of 2 stories and a maximum height of 3 stories.


o                     Additionally, a mix of building materials are required for the façade of each unit, and all garage doors are required to be located in the rear of the units.


o                     The applicant proposes to provide a minimum of eight residential amenities on this tract as opposed to the typical requirement of four amenities.


Tracts III and IV

Tract III and IV are located north and south of Laud Howell Parkway between US 75 and Trinity Falls Parkway. Together, these tracts are approximately 42.9 acres in size.


                     Commercial and Urban Multi-Family Residential Uses


o                     The applicant proposes to develop a mix of commercial and residential uses on these tracts in a cohesive, mixed-use development style. Tract III would be limited to a maximum of 475 residential units and Tract IV would be limited to a maximum of 775 residential units.


o                     Non-residential use and development standards on these tracts generally align with the “C-2” - Local Commercial District Zoning District. However, auto-centric uses such as auto repair, fuel sales, and drive-through restaurants are either prohibited or require approval of a Specific Use Permit (SUP). The proposed zoning also requires that office buildings be a minimum of 4 stories in height.


o                     Additional requirements for the multi-family uses are listed below:

§                     Additional amenities required

§                     Build-to-zone of 0-20 feet for a minimum of 90% of the building face(s)

§                     1.6 parking spaces per unit with at least 90% of the required parking to be located within a parking structure

§                     4-6 stories of height required

§                     Minimum 10 multi-family amenities for Tract III

§                     Minimum 12 multi-family amenities for Tract IV


                     Commercial / Residential Requirements

o                     For Tracts III and IV, a minimum area of non-residential uses must be under construction prior to the issuance of any building permits for multi-family uses.

§                     On Tract III, at least 20,000 square feet of non-residential uses must be under construction before unlocking the ability to submit plans for multi-family residential.


§                     On Tract IV, the same requirement exists for the first 400 multi-family units to be unlocked, and a minimum of 40,000 square feet of non-residential uses must be under construction before unlocking the rest of the available units for this tract


o                     The Regulating Plan also establishes distinct areas within each tract that are required to develop for non-residential uses.

§                     Approximately 8.9 acres of non-residential is established for Tract III and approximately 15.85 acres is established for Tract IV.


§                     These distinctive areas are reserved entirely for non-residential development closest to the US 75 corridor and at the northeast corner of Laud Howell Parkway and Trinity Falls Parkway. The locations of the non-residential areas should also benefit the residential products by buffering them from US 75.


Design, Landscaping, Open Space and Pedestrian Enhancement Requirements


                     The applicant proposes to provide a mix of enhanced open spaces and landscape plants throughout the subject property. These enhanced spaces include things like urban streetscape amenities, landscaped median enhancements, linear parks, amenity courtyards, pocket parks, and community lawn spaces.


                     These enhanced open space areas are above-and-beyond typical requirements and are aimed at supporting a mixed-use, urban, and walkable environment.


                     In addition to the proposed enhanced open space and landscaping amenities, a 6-foot-wide paved trail system with canopy trees planted every 50 linear feet is required. This trail system offers a heightened connectivity feature for all tracts.


                     Architectural standards for both multi-family and non-residential uses are also required to meet the regulations set in the UDC.


Staff has reviewed the request and feels as though the proposed zoning should create a cohesive, master-planned, mixed-use style development at a gateway intersection to the city. As such, we recommend approval of the proposed rezoning.



CONFORMANCE TO THE ONE MCKINNEY 2040 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: A key aspect of the ONE McKinney 2040 Comprehensive Plan is to provide direction related to desired development patterns in the city and to inform decisions related to the timing and phasing of future infrastructure investments. To assist in guiding these decisions, the plan includes a set of Guiding Principles that provide overall guidance and a Preferred Scenario and Land Use Diagram that illustrates the desired development patterns in the city. The Preferred Scenario and Land Use Diagram are built upon a series of distinctive districts, each with a specific purpose, focus and market. Each district consists of a mix of placetypes that identify the predominate land uses and desired pattern of development for the district. 


                     Guiding Principles:

The proposed rezoning request is generally in conformance with the Guiding Principle of “Diversity (Supporting our Economy and People)” established by the Comprehensive Plan.  In particular, the proposed request has the potential to “[…] focus attention and investment in each of the distinctive Districts throughout the city, so each one can appeal to its targeted market and achieve the vision described in [the] plan.”


                     Preferred Scenario and Land Use Diagram Characteristics:

Per the Preferred Scenario and Land Use Diagram, the subject property is located in the Honey Creek District and is designated as the Entertainment Center placetype.


Entertainment Centers are emerging commercial centers planned or developed with large-scale master plans. These centers include a horizontal mix of uses including destination retail, restaurants, employment opportunities, and commercial uses that serve a regional scale. Residential uses support these destination developments and offer a variety of urban housing products. The master plan for a regional entertainment center reinforces the interdependence of uses to create an experience for visitors in the development. The Entertainment Center may have a shopping center, lifestyle area, or something similar as a prominent feature.


                     Land Use Diagram Compatibility:

When considering land use decisions, the City should determine that a project aligns with the Land Use Diagram and/or meets a majority of the plan’s established criteria to be considered compatible with the Land Use Diagram. The proposed rezoning request aligns with the Entertainment Center placetype of the Honey Creek District, is in conformance with the Land Use Diagram and should be compatible with the surrounding properties.


                     Fiscal Model Analysis: The attached fiscal analysis shows a positive fiscal benefit of $715,077 for the 146-acre property, which should contribute to achieving an overall fiscal balance in the city.


OPPOSITION TO OR SUPPORT OF REQUEST: Staff has received no letters of support to this request and no letters of opposition. This does not include emails or letters that may have been sent directly to members of the Council. Staff has not received any citizen comments through the online citizen portal.