Lower 5 Plaza Update
COUNCIL GOAL: Operational Excellence
(2B: Balance available resources to accommodate the growth and maintenance needs of the city)
MEETING DATE: December 3, 2024
DEPARTMENT: Development Services / Engineering
CONTACT: Kim Flom, Assistant City Manager
Gary Graham, Director of Engineering
Blake Sills, PE, Engineering CIP Manager
Brook Retta, PE, CIP Engineer
• Receive presentation and discuss items related to ongoing development of the Lower 5 Plaza Project that provides enhanced pedestrian linkage and community stitching along State Highway 5 (SH 5) between Virginia Street and Louisiana Street.
• Discuss items related to ongoing development of the Lower 5 Plaza Project that provides enhanced pedestrian linkage and community stitching along SH 5 between Virginia Street and Louisiana Street.
• TxDOT’s design for SH 5 roadway improvements from McMakin Street to Power House Street is underway referenced as CSJ 0047-05-054. The planned improvements to SH 5 include a complete reconstruction as a 4-lane divided roadway. Construction of the planned improvements is estimated to begin in 2026 following City of McKinney water/wastewater and Franchise Utilities’ relocations and TxDOT acquisition of necessary right-of-way.
• The FY24 Capital Improvement Plan budget included funding under CIP Projects ST2234 and PK2234 for the preliminary bridge layout, drainage design, park layout, grading, and conceptual park layout related to Lower 5 Plaza located at SH 5 between Virginia Street and Louisiana Street.
• The City is currently under contract with Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. who is providing professional consulting engineering services for Lower 5 Plaza related to the development of pedestrian connection enhancements east of Downtown McKinney at SH 5.
• On March 13, 2024, USDOT selected NCTCOG’s (North Texas Central Council of Governments) application for the FY23 Reconnecting Communities and Neighborhoods Grant Program in the amount of $15 Million.
• The North Texas Central Council of Governments (NCTCOG) has committed $38.7 million funding towards the project (including $15M grant). This includes engineering design and environmental impact assessment, ROW acquisition, and construction of the infrastructure needed for the crossing.
• A Grant Agreement between the City and USDOT/TxDOT must be fully executed for the City to utilize the $15 Million Grant for the components it will be responsible for designing and constructing.
• An Advance Funding Agreement (AFA) between the City and TxDOT must be fully executed for the City to utilize a portion of the remaining funding ($23.7 Million) for the components it will be responsible for designing and constructing.
• On April 16, 2024, City Council approved a resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute an AFA for the Surface Transportation Block Grant (STBG) Program with TxDOT in the amount of $9.8 Million for engineering design, environmental impact assessment, and ROW acquisition.
• On December 3, 2024, City staff submitted a resolution for City Council approval authorizing the City Manager to execute a Grant Agreement under the Fiscal Year 2023 (FY23) Neighborhood Access and Equity (NAE) Grant Program and Any Necessary Supplemental Agreements with USDOT and TxDOT for the design and construction of the Lower 5 Plaza Project (CIP Projects ST2234 and PK2234).
• An updated presentation has been prepared covering the following areas:
o Project Overview and Update
o Environmental Impact Assessment
o Project Cost and Funding
o Timeline
o Next Steps
• Staff is presenting this informational presentation to receive concurrence on direction as the project progresses into required adherence to National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and utilization of federal funds administered through NCTCOG.
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