File #: 12-234Z6    Name: Verizon Wireless Cell Tower Rezone
Type: Ordinance Status: Regular Agenda Item
In control: City Council Regular Meeting
On agenda: 7/16/2013 Final action:
Title: Conduct a Public Hearing to Consider/Discuss/Act on the Request by Verizon Wireless, on Behalf of Roanoke Manor, L.L.C., for Approval of a Request to Rezone Fewer than 4 Acres from "PD" - Planned Development District, "REC" - Regional Employment Center Overlay District, and "CC" - Corridor Commercial Overlay District to "PD" - Planned Development District, "REC" - Regional Employment Center Overlay District, and "CC" - Corridor Commercial Overlay District, to Allow for a Support Tower for Cellular Communication Antennas, Located Approximately 1,500 Feet East of Lake Forest Drive and Approximately 230 Feet South of Future Collin McKinney Parkway, and Accompanying Ordinance
Attachments: 1. Agenda Item Summary, 2. PZ Minutes 052813, 3. PZ Minutes 032613, 4. PZ Minutes 031213, 5. PZ Report, 6. Location Map and Aerial Exhibit, 7. Letter of Intent, 8. Existing Ordinance 2000-09-064, 9. Propagation Map - Before, 10. Propagation Map - After, 11. Proposed Ordinance with Exhibits, 12. Exhibit A - Location Map, 13. Exhibit B - Metes and Bounds, 14. Exhibit C - Site Plan, 15. PowerPoint Presentation
Related files: 12-234Z5, 12-234Z4, 12-234Z, 12-234Z2, 12-234Z3, 12-234Z8, 12-234Z9, 12-234Z7
Conduct a Public Hearing to Consider/Discuss/Act on the Request by Verizon Wireless, on Behalf of Roanoke Manor, L.L.C., for Approval of a Request to Rezone Fewer than 4 Acres from "PD" - Planned Development District, "REC" - Regional Employment Center Overlay District, and "CC" - Corridor Commercial Overlay District to "PD" - Planned Development District, "REC" - Regional Employment Center Overlay District, and "CC" - Corridor Commercial Overlay District, to Allow for a Support Tower for Cellular Communication Antennas, Located Approximately 1,500 Feet East of Lake Forest Drive and Approximately 230 Feet South of Future Collin McKinney Parkway, and Accompanying Ordinance


MEETING DATE: July 16, 2013


CONTACT: Michael Quint, Director of Planning
Brandon Opiela, Planning Manager
Samantha Gleinser, Planner

* Staff recommends denial of the proposed rezoning request as the proposed support tower with communication antennas does not meet the required setbacks, exceeds the maximum height allowed for a support tower, and exceeds the maximum allowed height for a screening wall as specified in the City of McKinney's Zoning Ordinance.

* However, should the rezoning request be approved, the following special ordinance provisions shall apply:
1. The use and development of the subject property shall conform to the requirements of "PD" - Planned Development District Ordinance No. 2000-09-064, except as follows:

a. Support tower for cellular communication antennas shall be an allowed use.

b. The development of the subject property shall generally conform to the attached site plan exhibit.

c. The support tower for cellular communication antennas shall be a maximum height of 130 feet and be located less than three times the height of the support structure from any property line as shown on the attached site plan exhibit.

d. The masonry scree...

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