File #: 11-050Z5    Name: Digital Billboard Rezone
Type: Ordinance Status: Denied
In control: City Council Regular Meeting
On agenda: 5/15/2012 Final action: 5/15/2012
Title: Conduct a Public Hearing to Consider/Discuss/Act on the Request by Doug Parker, for Approval of a Request to Rezone Approximately 0.33 Acres from “BN” - Neighborhood Business District and “CC” - Corridor Commercial Overlay District to “PD” - Planned Development District and “CC” - Corridor Commercial Overlay District, to Allow a Digital Billboard, Located on the Southeast Corner of Rockhill Road and U.S. Highway 75 (Central Expressway), and Accompanying Ordinance.
Attachments: 1. PZ Report 041012, 2. PZ Minutes 041012, 3. Letter of Intent, 4. Maps, 5. Letters of Opposition and Letter of Support, 6. Applicant Safety Study Pennslyvania, 7. Applicant Safety Study Virginia, 8. PZ Report 042611, 9. PZ Minutes 042611, 10. Letters of Opposition 042611, 11. Letters of Support 042611, 12. View of Subject Property from South, 13. Proposed Ordinance, 14. Proposed Zoning Exhibit A - Location Map, 15. Proposed Zoning Exhibit B - Boundary, 16. Proposed Zoning Exhibit C - Site Layout, 17. Proposed Zoning Exhibit D - Elevation, 18. PowerPoint Presentation
Related files: 11-050Z2, 11-050Z4
Conduct a Public Hearing to Consider/Discuss/Act on the Request by Doug Parker, for Approval of a Request to Rezone Approximately 0.33 Acres from “BN” - Neighborhood Business District and “CC” - Corridor Commercial Overlay District to “PD” - Planned Development District and “CC” - Corridor Commercial Overlay District, to Allow a Digital Billboard, Located on the Southeast Corner of Rockhill Road and U.S. Highway 75 (Central Expressway), and Accompanying Ordinance.


MEETING DATE: May 15, 2012

DEPARTMENT: Development Services - Planning

CONTACT: Jennifer Cox, AICP, Director of Planning
Brandon Opiela, Senior Planner

· Staff recommends denial of the proposed rezoning request due to a lack of conformance with the City of McKinney’s Comprehensive Plan, specifically to provide “Attractive Urban Design Elements” through the stated objective of “US 75 as an attractive corridor through appropriate urban design” and “Land Use Compatibility and Mix” through the stated objective of “Land use patterns that complement one another.”

· Section 146-164 of the Zoning Ordinance states that if the Planning and Zoning Commission recommends denial of a requested zoning change, the request may only be approved by City Council with a favorable vote of three-fourths (3/4) of all members of the Council (6 members). Therefore, due to the Planning and Zoning Commission’s recommendation of denial, a favorable vote from six Council members is required to approve the requested change.

· At the May 1, 2012 City Council meeting, City Council continued the public hearing and tabled the item to the May 15, 2012 meeting per the applicant’s request. It should also be noted that a number of residents submitted speaker cards and/or spoke in opposition to the item during the public hearing at the May 1, 2012 meeting.

· The applicant is proposing to rezone the subject property from BN” - Neighborhood Business District and “CC” ...

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