Consider/Discuss/Act on a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute an Professional Services Agreement with Ramel Company, L.L.C., for Owner's Representative Services Related to the Design and Construction of the Roy and Helen Hall Memorial Library Reimagine Project (RHHL)
COUNCIL GOAL: Enhance the Quality of Life in McKinney
(5F: Enhance connectivity to parks and civic facilities, schools/education centers, libraries, health care providers, commercial centers, etc.)
MEETING DATE: March 18, 2025
DEPARTMENT: McKinney Public Library
Facilities Construction Department
CONTACT: Spencer Smith, Director of Libraries
Patricia L. Jackson, PE, RAS - Facilities Construction Manager
* Approval of the Resolution.
* The selected consultant, Ramel Company, L.L.C. has submitted a proposal to provide Owner's Rep services for the Roy and Helen Hall Memorial Library Reimagine Project in the amount of Two Hundred Twenty-two Thousand, Five Hundred Sixty-five and No/100 Dollars, ($222,565.00).
* This Resolution authorizes the City Manager to execute a professional services agreement with Ramel Company, L.L.C. to provide owner's rep services related to the Roy and Helen Hall Memorial Library Reimagine Project (RHHL) for an amount not to exceed Two Hundred Forty-two Thousand, Five Hundred Sixty-five and No/100 Dollars, ($242,565.00) which includes an owner's contingency of Twenty Thousand and No/100 Dollars, ($20,000.00).
* On October 15, 2024, the City of McKinney signed a resolution (2024-10-178R) approving pre-qualified firms to provide owner's representative services to the City of McKinney. Ramel Company L.L.C. is one of the seven consulting firms chosen to participate in the consulting vendor pool by RFQ 24-68RFQ for Owner's Representative and Program Management Services for multiple projects in McKinney.
* The City needs a professional services consulting firm specializing i...
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