Consider/Discuss/Act on Adoption of a Resolution Determining a Public Necessity to Acquire Property Easement Rights for Public Use by Eminent Domain for a Water Line Easement and a Temporary Construction Easement associated with the SH 5 Utility Relocation Project (WA1633 & WW1633) which Property is Located at the Northeast Corner of N. McDonald Street and E. University Drive and Authorizing the City Manager to Establish Procedures for Acquiring the Easements on Said Property, and Take All Steps Necessary to Acquire the Needed Property Rights in Compliance with all Applicable Laws and Resolutions
COUNCIL GOAL: Operational Excellence
(2B: Balance available resources to accommodate the growth and maintenance needs of the City)
MEETING DATE: November 7, 2023
DEPARTMENT: Development Services / Engineering
CONTACT: Gary Graham, PE, PTOE, Director of Engineering
Todd Wright, Real Estate Acquisitions Administrator
* Approval of Resolution using a motion in a form substantially similar to the following:
"I move that the City of McKinney, Texas, City Council approve this item as written and adopt the Resolution described in this agenda item and authorize the use of the power of eminent domain to acquire for public use all necessary property interests from 7116 Valjean LLC, identified as owner of record by the Collin Central Appraisal District, and any other persons or entities claiming an interest to the property depicted on and described by metes and bounds attached to said Resolution, said depictions and descriptions being incorporated in their entirety into this motion for all purposes including the construction, access and maintenance of infrastructure improvements located at the northeast corner of N. McDonald Street and E. University Drive associated with the SH 5 Utility Relocation Project (WA1633 & WW1633)."
* A roll call vote is required for this item.
* This Resolution provides authority to...
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