Consider/Discuss/Act on a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Increase the Not to Exceed Amount for the Professional Services Contract with la terra studio, inc. of Dallas, Texas for Landscape Architectural and Engineering Services Related to the Design and Construction of the Bonnie Wenk Park Phase II Project
COUNCIL GOAL: Enhance the Quality of Life in McKinney
Direction for Strategic & Economic Growth
MEETING DATE: November 7, 2017
DEPARTMENT: City Council
CONTACT: Michael Kowski, AICP, CUD, Director of Parks and Recreation
* Approval of the Resolution.
* At the Council work session on October 16, 2017, staff requested Council's direction on authorizing the design and construction of a sky walk bridge within the All Abilities Playground area at Bonnie Wenk Park.
* Council gave staff the green light to pursue having the sky walk designed and constructed.
* In order to move forward, staff is requesting approval of this resolution to increase la terra's original contract not to exceed amount by $50,000, bringing the total not to exceed amount to $605,000.
* This resolution will allow the City Manager to separately authorize an additional services amendment to la terra's design contract to allow for the design of the sky walk and any other potential design enhancements prior to the completion of phase 2.
* Following that, a change order to the contractor on site, Cooper General Contractors, will allow for the construction of the sky walk.
* City Council authorized a design contract for architectural and engineering related services with la terra studio, inc. for the design of Bonnie Wenk Phase 2 on August 19, 2014 in an amount not to exceed $545,000.
* On May 2, 2017, City Council authorized an additional $10,000 to be added to the original contract bringing the new not to exceed amount to $555,000.
* The Bonnie Wenk Park Pha...
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