Consider/Discuss/Act on a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Lease Agreement With Purchase Option at McKinney National Airport Between the City of McKinney, Texas and Westerntkileasing Inc.
COUNCIL GOAL: Maximize the Development Potential of the McKinney National Airport
MEETING DATE: December 5th, 2017
DEPARTMENT: McKinney National Airport
CONTACT: Jose Madrigal, Deputy City Manager
* Staff recommends approval of the resolution.
* The City of McKinney's McKinney National Airport has the opportunity to enter into a Lease Agreement With Purchase Option at the McKinney National Airport with Westerntkileasing Inc. to develop a New Fixed Base Operator Terminal, Expanded Parking, Upgraded U.S. Customs Facility, 40,000 Square Foot Common Hangar at the McKinney National Airport.
* The term of the proposed Lease Agreement With Purchase Option between the City of McKinney and Westerntkileasing Inc. at the McKinney National Airport is approximately 20 years, and set to begin five (5) days after the substantial completion of the development improvements outlined in the agreement.
* The proposed Lease Agreement With Purchase Option includes the following construction obligations:
o 39,000 square foot transient hangar;
o 8,500 square feet of office space;
o 3,100 square feet of enclosed parking spaces;
o 17,000 square feet for a fixed based operations (FBO) terminal; and
o 148 parking spaces
* Throughout FY 2017 the City of McKinney's McKinney National Airport has worked with the McKinney Economic Development Corporation, McKinney Community Development Corporation, and private developers to create a plan to develop a New Fixed Base Operator Terminal, Expanded Parking, Upgraded U.S. Customs Facility, 40,000 Square Foot Common Hangar at the McKinney National Airport.
* McKinney National Airport staff initially presented to City Council a plan to develop the ...
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