File #: TEST-HP05    Name: Historic Marker for ADDRESS
Type: Agenda Item Status: Regular Agenda Item
In control: Historic Preservation Advisory Board
On agenda: 9/27/2023 Final action:
Title: Consider/Discuss/Act on the Request by NAME for Approval of a Historic Marker for the Property Located at ADDRESS.
Attachments: 1. Application, 2. Narrative, 3. Presentation
Date Ver.Action ByActionResultAction DetailsMeeting DetailsVideo
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Consider/Discuss/Act on the Request by NAME for Approval of a Historic Marker for the Property Located at ADDRESS.


COUNCIL GOAL: Enhance the Quality of Life in McKinney


DEPARTMENT: Development Services - Planning Department

CONTACT: Cassie Bumgarner, Historic Preservation Planner
Paula Jarrett Nasta, AIA, Planning Manager

* Staff recommends approval of this Historic Marker Application.

* The applicant requests approval of a Historic Marker under the HNIZ Program property at ADDRESS.

* To be eligible for a historic marker under the HNIZ program, residential properties must meet the minimum eligibility requirements of the program, provide specific information with the historic marker application.

* Specifically, the applicant must provide the following with an application for a historic marker:
o A written documented history.
o Verification that the building is a minimum of 50 years of age.
o Verification that the residential property is located within the HNIZ boundary.
o Photo documentation of all four elevations using black and white or color photographs and copies of any available historic photographs.
o Legal description of the property with a location map.
o A site plan of the property shall be provided, if available.
o Additional information as deemed necessary by the Director of Planning or their designee.

* Staff has reviewed the request and has found that it meets the minimum eligibility requirements of the HINZ program for a historic marker.

* The home is listed as a high priority building built in YEAT in the 2015 Update of the Historic Resources survey. A high priority building contributes significantly to local history or broader historical patterns. They are an outstanding or unique example of architecture, engineering, or crafted design. This category can also be assigned if the structure is the last remaining example of a particular building type, if it d...

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