Consider/Discuss/Act on a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Release Development Agreements Previously Executed as Part of the City of McKinney's 2017 Municipal Annexation Plan
COUNCIL GOAL: Operational Excellence
MEETING DATE: December 5, 2017
DEPARTMENT: Development Services - Planning Department
CONTACT: Jennifer Arnold, Planning Manager
Aaron Bloxham, Planner II
Brian Lockley, AICP, CPM, Director of Planning
Alan Lathrom, Assistant City Attorney
* Staff recommends approval of the proposed resolution.
* The proposed resolution authorizes the City Manager to release, at the request of a property owner, development agreements that were previously executed as part of the City's 2017 Municipal Annexation Policy/Plan.
* In January 2017, the City of McKinney approved the 2017 Municipal Annexation Policy, which included an annexation plan component that proposed the annexation of approximately 218 acres of land located in the McKinney extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ) into the corporate limits of McKinney.
* Pursuant to Chapter 43 of the Texas Local Government Code (LGC), the proposed annexation of these 218 acres was scheduled to occur on the third anniversary of the policy/plan adoption (January 2020). In conjunction with this, the city offered development agreements to qualified property owners within the proposed annexation area and, ultimately, executed 19 agreements as part of the 2017 Municipal Annexation Policy/Plan.
* However, recent changes in state law went into effect on December 1, 2017 and modified the procedures for carrying out municipal annexations. Annexations not completed before the effective date of these changes are subject to the new procedures of Chapter 43 of the LGC.
* As a result of the changes in state law, the City of McKinney halted its efforts to annex the 218 acres identified in the 2017 Municipal Annexation Policy/Plan.
* In a related ite...
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