File #: 25-2595    Name: RI 25-03 Samaritan Inn
Type: Agenda Item Status: Agenda Ready
In control: McKinney Community Development Corporation
On agenda: 3/27/2025 Final action:
Title: Consider/Discuss/Act on a Retail Development Infrastructure Grant Application Submitted by Samaritan Inn, Inc. (RI 25-03) in an Amount of Ten Thousand Eight Hundred and NO/100 Dollars ($10,800.00) for Installation of Wrought Iron Security Fencing Surrounding The Inn Style Retail Store, Located at 103 East University Drive, McKinney, Texas. Amount Represents 75% of the Total Project Cost.
Attachments: 1. Application Packet, 2. Presentation
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Consider/Discuss/Act on a Retail Development Infrastructure Grant Application Submitted by Samaritan Inn, Inc. (RI 25-03) in an Amount of Ten Thousand Eight Hundred and NO/100 Dollars ($10,800.00) for Installation of Wrought Iron Security Fencing Surrounding The Inn Style Retail Store, Located at 103 East University Drive, McKinney, Texas. Amount Represents 75% of the Total Project Cost.


COUNCIL GOAL: 1: Direction for Strategic and Economic Growth
1C: Continue to develop a retail strategy for key areas of the community to diversify revenue sources and expand entertainment, dining and shopping options and tourism.

MEETING DATE: March 27, 2025

DEPARTMENT: McKinney Community Development Corporation

CONTACT: Cindy Schneible, President

* McKinney Community Development Corporation will conduct a public hearing on a Retail Development Infrastructure Grant application submitted by Samaritan Inn, Inc. in the amount of $10,800 for the installation of wrought iron security fencing surrounding their retail location.
* Inn Style Resale Store is a vital source of revenue for the Samaritan Inn.
* The addition of fencing would enhance security for shoppers, staff and volunteers; deter illegal dumping, theft, vandalism, and littering; reduce loitering, criminal activities, and burden on local law enforcement; improve appearance of the site; and boost revenues.

* For over 40 years, The Samaritan Inn has delivered hope and meaningful support to people experiencing homelessness.
* Their mission is to serve as a comprehensive housing program that supports individuals in realizing dignity and gaining independence.
* In 2024, The Samaritan Inn served over 1,000 people, 503 of whom participated in one of their core housing programs.
* The Inn Style Retail Store was established in 2005 as a revenue source for The Samaritan Inn. While revenue from the store supports the Inn, the store benefits the community by provi...

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