Consider/Discuss/Act on a Resolution Approving Qualified Firms to Provide Owner's Representative Program Management Services, and Authorizing the City Manager to Execute Contracts for Professional Services
COUNCIL GOAL: Operational Excellence
MEETING DATE: December 5, 2017
DEPARTMENT: Public Works
CONTACT: Patricia L. Jackson, PE - Facilities Construction Manager
David T. Brown, PE - Director of Public Works
* Approval of Resolution.
* This Resolution approves qualified firms to provide Owner's Representative Program Management Services. In addition, this Resolution authorizes the City Manager to enter into contracts with these firms.
* The City of McKinney utilizes on-call professional services contracts to complete miscellaneous tasks.
* The City of McKinney issued a request for qualifications for Owner's Representative Program Management Services (RFQ18-06) in October 2017.
* Six (6) Project Management firms submitted their statements of qualification information in response to RFQ 18-06.
* A committee of six staff members comprised from the City Manager's Office, McKinney National Airport, the Public Works Department and the Purchasing Department reviewed and ranked the statements of qualifications based on the following criteria:
o Past experience of the firm and team members
o Qualifications of the firm and team members
o Project Approach
o Past project record with the City of McKinney
o Responsiveness of qualifications
o Quality control and quality assurance procedures
* Of the six firms that submitted statements of qualification for Owner's Representative Program Management Services, the following three firms were determined to be the most qualified in the selection pool:
o 720 Design, Inc.
o Aguirre Roden, Inc.
o Project Control of Texas, Inc.
* When Owner's Representative Program Management Services are required, a fee proposal will be selected f...
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