Consider/Discuss/Act on Project Grant Reimbursement Request of $10,000 from Ollimpaxqui Ballet Co., Inc.
COUNCIL GOAL: Enhance the Quality of Life in McKinney
MEETING DATE: July 25, 2019
DEPARTMENT: Housing and Community Development
CONTACT: Janay Tieken, Housing and Community Development Manager
• Ollimpaxqui Ballet Co., Inc. presented nine Cinco de Mayo celebration performances at McGowan, Vega, Webb, and Finch Elementary Schools, and Dr. Glenn Mitchell Memorial Park.
• The total number of attendees was over 5,000.
• All performances were free of charge.
• Project Grants provide financial assistance for the costs associated with a single project, or if the applicant is applying for the first time.
• Project Grants can pay up to 50% of eligible project expenses.
• The Project Grant request for $10,000 was approved by the McKinney Arts Commission at its regular meeting on October 18, 2018.
• Total project expenses were $20,000.