Consider/Discuss/Act on a Promotional and Community Event Grant Application Submitted by Crape Myrtle Trails of McKinney Foundation (PC #19-11) in the Amount of $15,000 for the Advertising, Marketing and Promotion of the 2019 Crape Myrtle Run and Festival.
COUNCIL GOAL: Enhance Quality of Life in McKinney
MEETING DATE: July 25, 2019
DEPARTMENT: McKinney Community Development Corporation
CONTACT: Cindy Schneible, President
• Crape Myrtle Trails of McKinney is requesting $15,000 for advertising, marketing and promotion of the 2019 Crape Myrtle Trails Run and Festival.
• The event will be held September 28, 2019.
• The event features a free community festival and three competitive run/walks.
• Participation/registration goal for the event is 1,100+.
• The mission of the Crape Myrtle Trails Foundation is to be an integral part of elevating the beauty and appeal of McKinney to the highest levels by showcasing the premier flowering plant of the South throughout our community in a thoughtful and meaningful manner and by promoting McKinney, Texas as America’s Crape Myrtle City.
• Four key goals include: continued development and improvement of McKinney’s World Collection Park; design, promotion and funding strategic plantings of Crape Myrtles in McKinney; award cash grants to MISD and other school districts’ Phys Ed Departments to encourage student health and fitness; encourage travel and tourism to McKinney.
• MCDC’s allocation for Promotional and Community Event grants for this cycle is $76,125.
• Since 2006, MCDC has awarded promotional grant funding in the amount of $61,250 to the Crape Myrtle Trails Foundation, including $8,000 for the 2018 Crape Myrtle Trails Run and Festival.