Consider/Discuss/Act on a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Contract with Johnson, Mirmiran and Thompson, Inc. for Professional Engineering Design Services for the Tennessee Street, Lamar Street, and Hunt Street Infrastructure Improvements Project and Authorizing Any Necessary Supplemental Agreements
COUNCIL GOAL: Operational Excellence
(2B: Balance available resources to accommodate the growth and maintenance needs of the city)
MEETING DATE: December 03, 2024
DEPARTMENT: Development Services / Engineering
CONTACT: Blake Sills, PE, Engineering CIP Manager
Rabeeta Aroosh, CIP Project Manager
* Approval of Resolution.
* This Resolution authorizes the City Manager to execute a contract in the amount of $2,180,576.00 as well as all required supplemental agreements thereto, with Johnson, Mirmiran and Thompson, Inc. for professional consulting engineering services for the Tennessee Street, Lamar Street, and Hunt Street Infrastructure Improvements Project (CO2409), for a total aggregate contract amount, inclusive of any supplemental agreements, not to exceed $2,400,000.00.
* The FY25-29 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) includes funding for street, sidewalk, drainage, utility, and streetscape improvements along the following streets in the vicinity of Downtown McKinney:
o Lamar Street (from Kentucky Street to McDonald Street)
o Tennessee Street (from Virginia Street to Lamar Street)
o Hunt Street (from Kentucky Street to McDonald Street)
o Kentucky Street (from Lamar Street to Hunt Street) - Alternative
* The goal of these planned improvements in the downtown area include:
o Reconstructing infrastructure that has reached the end of its service life or is no longer functioning as intended or planned; and
o Providing pedestrian improvements that promote walkability and which meet current State and Local requirements; and
o Providing corridor enha...
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