File #: 25-2413    Name: Ord Amend - Ch 14 Alcoholic Beverages
Type: Ordinance Status: Approved
In control: City Council Regular Meeting
On agenda: 2/4/2025 Final action: 2/4/2025
Title: Consider/Discuss/Act on an Ordinance Amending Chapter 14, Entitled "Alcoholic Beverages," of the Code of Ordinances, City of McKinney, Texas, by Amending Section 14-20 Entitled "Unlawful In City-Owned Buildings, City-Owned Structured Parking Garages, City-Owned Parks, And City-Owned Park Facilities" to Permit Limited Alcohol Consumption upon and within the McKinney Municipal Complex on Lot 1, Block A, McKinney Municipal Addition, an Addition to the City of McKinney, Texas, at 401 E. Virginia Street; Repealing Conflicting Ordinances; Providing a Penalty; Providing for Publication of the Caption of this Ordinance; and Providing for an Effective Date
Attachments: 1. Ordinance
Consider/Discuss/Act on an Ordinance Amending Chapter 14, Entitled "Alcoholic Beverages," of the Code of Ordinances, City of McKinney, Texas, by Amending Section 14-20 Entitled "Unlawful In City-Owned Buildings, City-Owned Structured Parking Garages, City-Owned Parks, And City-Owned Park Facilities" to Permit Limited Alcohol Consumption upon and within the McKinney Municipal Complex on Lot 1, Block A, McKinney Municipal Addition, an Addition to the City of McKinney, Texas, at 401 E. Virginia Street; Repealing Conflicting Ordinances; Providing a Penalty; Providing for Publication of the Caption of this Ordinance; and Providing for an Effective Date

COUNCIL GOAL: Operational Excellence

MEETING DATE: February 4, 2025

DEPARTMENT: City Manager's Office
City Attorney's Office

CONTACT: Paul G. Grimes, City Manager
Mark Houser, City Attorney

* Approval of the Ordinance.

* The current ordinance generally prohibits the consumption of alcoholic beverages in city-owned buildings, with limited exceptions for venues such as the McKinney Performing Arts Center and the McKinney National Airport. This ordinance would add the newly opened McKinney Municipal Complex to the list of permitted spaces in which alcoholic beverages could be consumed, subject to the facility use regulations then in effect.

* The City Manager's Office will be responsible for promulgating the facility use regulations for the McKinney Municipal Complex, with the intent to limit alcohol consumption to within certain spaces and at certain times.
* The City previously adopted rules and regulations relative to the consumption of alcohol in city-owned buildings, city-owned structured parking garages, city-owned parks, and city-owned park facilities pursuant to Ordinance No. 2020-06-040 on June 2, 2020, and Ordinance No. 2022-06-062, adopted on June 21, 2022.



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