File #: 25-2594    Name: RI25-02 Cotton Mill
Type: Agenda Item Status: Agenda Ready
In control: McKinney Community Development Corporation
On agenda: 3/27/2025 Final action:
Title: Consider/Discuss/Act on a Retail Development Infrastructure Grant Application (RI 25-02) Submitted by The Cotton Mill in the Amount of Twenty-Three Thousand Seven Hundred Forty-Five and NO/100 Dollars ($23,745.00) for Construction of a Sidewalk Connecting Two Parking Lots to Provide Direct Access to Retail Shops at The Cotton Mill and the Installation of Security Lighting Along the New Walkway. Amount Represents 75% of the Total Project Cost.
Attachments: 1. Application Packet, 2. Presentation
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Consider/Discuss/Act on a Retail Development Infrastructure Grant Application (RI 25-02) Submitted by The Cotton Mill in the Amount of Twenty-Three Thousand Seven Hundred Forty-Five and NO/100 Dollars ($23,745.00) for Construction of a Sidewalk Connecting Two Parking Lots to Provide Direct Access to Retail Shops at The Cotton Mill and the Installation of Security Lighting Along the New Walkway. Amount Represents 75% of the Total Project Cost.


COUNCIL GOAL: 1: Direction for Strategic and Economic Growth
1C: Continue to develop a retail strategy for key areas of the community to diversify revenue sources and expand entertainment, dining and shopping options and tourism.

MEETING DATE: March 27, 2025

DEPARTMENT: McKinney Community Development Corporation

CONTACT: Cindy Schneible, President

* McKinney Community Development Corporation will conduct a public hearing on a grant request for $23,745.00 for construction of a sidewalk connecting two parking lots to provide direct access to retail shops at The Cotton Mill.
* Project also includes the installation of security lighting along the new walkway.
* The current path requires shoppers to walk in the street or to walk through an event to access retail shops. These improvements would provide logical connectivity while preventing shoppers from cutting through events that are happening at The Cotton Mill.

* The Cotton Mill is a unique, historic facility offering loft office space, a gorgeous event hall and the perfect backdrop for photography shoots.
* The industrial equipment and unique features that once made the place the largest denim manufacturer in the world remain today, making it a one-of-a-kind destination for weddings, parties, and corporate events.

* Funds allocated for MCDC Retail Development Infrastructure Grants total $300,000 ($150,000 for each of 2 cycles).
* In FY 2024, The Cotton Mill was awarded a Retail Develop...

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