Consider/Discuss/Act on a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Contract with Garver, LLC for Professional Engineering Design Services for the Country Lane Extension Project (ST4372) and Any Necessary Supplemental Agreements
COUNCIL GOAL: Direction for Strategic and Economic Growth
MEETING DATE: November 7, 2017
DEPARTMENT: Development Services / Engineering
CONTACT: Nick Ataie, P.E., CIP Manager
Blake Sills, P.E., CIP Engineer
* Approval of Resolution.
* This Resolution authorizes a contract with Garver, LLC to provide consulting professional engineering services for the design of the Country Lane Extension Project (ST4372) for an amount not to exceed $180,000.
* Upon completion of the ongoing TxDOT FM 546 construction project, a connection is proposed from the Country Lane and FM 546 intersection to the existing concrete pavement on Country Lane.
* The project will construct two northbound through lanes, two southbound through lanes, and southbound right and left turn lanes at FM 546.
* The design will also include improvements to the intersections of Country Lane and existing FM 546, and Airport Road and Industrial Boulevard. A southbound right turn lane will be included in the design of Airport Road and Industrial Boulevard.
* Garver, LLC submitted a response to RFQ 15-38 for Roadway Design. They were one of ten firms shortlisted by City Council on October 20, 2015.
* Garver, LLC submitted a proposal for this project in the amount of $162,770.00.
* The preliminary opinion of probable construction cost is $1,063,540.
* The fee for basic services is $84,908.00 (8.0% of the construction cost) and the fee for special services is $77,862.00 (7.3% of the construction cost).
* Design of this project is anticipated to take six (6) months.
* Construction is anticipated to take six (6) months to complete. Construction is anticipated to begin as soon as Ju...
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