Consider/Discuss/Act on a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Pre-Construction Contract with Swinerton Builders for Construction Manager at Risk Pre-Construction Services Related to the Design and Construction of the McKinney National Airport Commercial Terminal Project (AI2250)
COUNCIL GOAL: Maximum the Development Potential of McKinney National Airport
(3A: Implement initiatives and strategies, including public-private partnerships, to attract and expand corporate and commercial aviation, including the viability of passenger service)
MEETING DATE: February 18, 2025
DEPARTMENT: McKinney National Airport
Facilities Construction Division
CONTACT: Kenneth Carley, Director of Airport
Patricia L. Jackson, PE, Facilities Construction Manager
* Approval of the Resolution.
* This Resolution authorizes a preconstruction services contract to provide complete preconstruction services related to the design and construction of the McKinney National Airport Commercial Terminal located in McKinney, Texas 75069.
* The selected consultant, Swinerton Builders submitted a proposal to provide preconstruction services for the McKinney National Airport Commercial Terminal (MNACT) for $35,000 plus a CMAR construction services fee of 1.95%.
* The City issued a request for qualifications (25-12CMAR) to solicit responses from qualified firms for construction of the McKinney National Airport Commercial Terminal Project on October 6, 2024.
o Advertised in the McKinney Courier Gazette
o Posted on McKinney TV
o 1,295 matching eBid Supplier Notifications
o Including 67 HUB supplier notifications
* Out of 1,295 supplier notifications, nine (9) statements of qualifications (SOQs) were received on November 14, 2024.
* A committee comprised of staff from the Airport, Public Works, and City Manager's Office reviewed and ranked the SOQs based on the following criteria:
o 40 Points: Fi...
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