Consider/Discuss/Act on an Ordinance Amending the Fiscal Year 2017-2018 Annual Budget and Amending the 2018-2022 Capital Improvements Program, to Provide Funds for Park Improvements
COUNCIL GOAL: Enhance the Quality of Life in McKinney
MEETING DATE: December 5, 2017
DEPARTMENT: Parks and Recreation
CONTACT: Michael Kowski, Director of Parks and Recreation
* Approval of the attached Ordinance.
* This Ordinance amends expenditures in the FY2017-2018 Annual CIP Budget and the 2018-2022 Capital Improvements Program by transferring $300,000 from Parkland Dedication Zone 4 and $75,000 from Parkland Dedication Zone 3 to the Parks Construction Fund and to set up three CIP projects - PK1802-Playground at Towne Lake, PK1803-Pavilion at Fitzhugh and PK1804-Playground at Winniford Park.
* This funding request reflects Council's request for improvements to various McKinney parks.
* The improvements would include adding a pavilion at Fitzhugh Park and replacing the aging play structures at Towne Lake and Winniford Park.
* Fitzhugh Park pavilion is estimated at $135,000 and the Towne Lake play structure is estimated at $165,000 for a total of $300,000 being drawn from parkland dedication zone 4. The Winniford Park play structure is estimated at $75,000 with this amount being drawn from parkland dedication zone 3.
* At the October 16, 2017 Council work session, Staff presented potential enhancements to various parks that included upgrading the pavilion at Old Settlers Park with electricity/lights (completed) and adding new pavilions to Finch and Fitzhugh Parks.
* A new pavilion will be provided as part of the Finch Park Phase IV enhancements (PK1211), which is a previously funded project that implements the recommendations as identified in the 2017 Parks, Recreation, Open Space, Trails and Streetscape Plan and is on track for 2018.
* Fitzhugh Park is one of the few park...
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