Consider/Discuss/Act on a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a First Amendment to the Auburn Hills Annexation Facilities Agreement with Auburn Hills Partners, L.P.
COUNCIL GOAL: Direction for Strategic and Economic Growth
MEETING DATE: November 7, 2017
DEPARTMENT: Development Services
CONTACT: Gary Graham, P.E., Director of Engineering
Michael Hebert, P.E., Assistant City Engineer
Brandon Opiela, Development Manager
* Staff recommends approval of the proposed agreement amendments.
* This item authorizes the City Manager to execute a first amendment to the Auburn Hills Annexation Facilities Agreement with Auburn Hills Partners, L.P., generally to modify the length of Ridge Road right-of-way to be dedicated and the associated number of roadway impact fee/roadway rough proportionality fee credits granted for said dedication and escrow of funds for this future portion of Ridge Road.
* The existing agreement covers the provision of services to the property as well as roadway impact fee/roadway rough proportionality fee credits generated from the dedication and construction of Ridge Road and Wilmeth Road. The majority of this agreement will remain in full force with exception to the proposed amendments to the length of Ridge Road dedication and associated credits granted for such dedication and escrow of funds for construction.
* When the property was annexed in 2015, the alignment of Ridge Road abutted approximately 2,226 feet of the property's western boundary. Shortly after the original agreement was approved, the alignment of a portion of Ridge Road shifted to the west, away from the property, reducing the length of Ridge Road abutting the property from 2,226 feet to 926 feet.
* In lieu of constructing the required portion of Ridge Road (without a physical connection to U.S. Highway 380 or Wilmeth Road), the agreement proposes that the owner will dedicate the required R...
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