File #: 25-2379    Name: 4B 25-08 Hertiage Guild (Chestnut Square)
Type: Agenda Item Status: Agenda Ready
In control: McKinney Community Development Corporation
On agenda: 1/23/2025 Final action: 1/23/2025
Title: Conduct a Public Hearing and Consider/Discuss/Act on a Project Grant Application Submitted by Heritage Guild of Collin County (4B 25-08) in the Amount of Twenty-Five Thousand Four Hundred Eighty-One and No/100 Dollars ($25,481.00) for Site Improvements to Correct Drainage Issues and to Secure the Foundation of the Dulaney Cottage at Chestnut Square Heritage Village, Located at 315 S. Chestnut in McKinney. Amount Requested Represents 63% of Total Project Cost.
Attachments: 1. Application Packet, 2. Presentation


Conduct a Public Hearing and Consider/Discuss/Act on a Project Grant Application Submitted by Heritage Guild of Collin County (4B 25-08) in the Amount of Twenty-Five Thousand Four Hundred Eighty-One and No/100 Dollars ($25,481.00) for Site Improvements to Correct Drainage Issues and to Secure the Foundation of the Dulaney Cottage at Chestnut Square Heritage Village, Located at 315 S. Chestnut in McKinney. Amount Requested Represents 63% of Total Project Cost.




COUNCIL GOAL:                     5: Enhance Quality of Life in McKinney

5B: Create affordable recreational and cultural arts activities for all ages throughout the city.


MEETING DATE:                     January 23, 2025


DEPARTMENT:                      McKinney Community Development Corporation


CONTACT:                       Cindy Schneible, President



                     McKinney Community Development Corporation will conduct a public hearing on a project grant application submitted by Heritage Guild of Collin County in the amount of $25,481.00 for site improvements to address drainage issues at Chestnut Square Heritage Village.

                     Project elements include regrading the courtyard, directing water in three directions, and ensuring the preservation of the Dulaney Cottage by reconstructing, repairing and securing the foundation.



                     The mission of Heritage Guild of Collin County is to celebrate community, preserve history and inspire the future.

                     HGCC was organized more than 40 years ago.

                     HGCC supports Chestnut Square Historic Village - a museum and tourist destination in McKinney offering diverse programs and activities throughout the year.



                     Funds allocated for FY25 for discretionary Community, Economic Development and Pipeline Project grants total $7,459,257.

                     The request is eligible for MCDC consideration under Section 505.152 of the Texas Local Government Code - Projects related to recreational or community facilities.



                     Application Packet
