Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: City Council Regular Meeting Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 3/18/2025 6:00 PM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: Council Chambers 401 E. Virginia Street McKinney, TX 75069
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available Meeting Extra1: Not available  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
25-2557 1 Proclamation - RamadanProclamationProclamation for the Month of Ramadan   Not available Not available
25-2558 1 Proclamation - Surveyors WeekProclamationProclamation for Surveyors Week   Not available Not available
25-2514 1 Paul Sparkman - Public WorksAgenda ItemRecognition of Paul Sparkman, Public Works   Not available Not available
25-2501 1 121024 CGAC MinutesMinutesMinutes of the Community Grants Advisory Commission Meeting of December 10, 2024   Not available Not available
25-2480 2 Minutes 120524 MCDC ProjectsMinutesMinutes of the McKinney Community Development Corporation Potential Projects Subcommittee Meeting of December 5, 2024   Not available Not available
25-2481 2 Minutes 011425 MCDC GrantsMinutesMinutes of the McKinney Community Development Corporation Promotional and Community Event Grant Subcommittee of January 14, 2025   Not available Not available
25-2482 2 Minutes 011525 MCDC FinanceMinutesMinutes of the McKinney Community Development Corporation Finance Subcommittee Meeting of January 15, 2025   Not available Not available
25-2479 2 Minutes 012325 MCDCMinutesMinutes of the McKinney Community Development Corporation Meeting of January 23, 2025   Not available Not available
25-2483 2 Minutes 020325 MCDC ProjectsMinutesMinutes of the McKinney Community Development Corporation Potential Projects Subcommittee Meeting of February 3, 2025   Not available Not available
24-2335 1 121224 Minutes MMSMinutesMinutes of the McKinney Main Street Board Meeting of December 12, 2024   Not available Not available
25-2471 1 Minutes 012825 VMMinutesMinutes of the Visit McKinney Meeting of January 28, 2025   Not available Not available
25-2559 1 LI2441 - RHHL - BA OrdinanceOrdinanceConsider/Discuss/Act on an Ordinance Amending the Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Annual Budget and Amending the 2025-2029 Capital Improvements Program to Provide Funding for Professional Owner’s Representation Services Related to the Design and Construction of the Roy and Helen Hall Memorial Library Reimagine Project   Not available Not available
25-2560 1 FY2024-25 Budget Amend - Trinity Falls MUD #1 & #2OrdinanceConsider/Discuss/Act on an Ordinance Amending the Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Annual Budget to Provide Funds for the Trinity Falls Municipal District #1 and Municipal Utility District #2   Not available Not available
25-2561 1 Virginia and Throckmorton Infrastructure Improvements - Agreement with OncorResolutionConsider/Discuss/Act on a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Discretionary Services Agreement with Oncor Electric Delivery Company LLC (or “Oncor”), for the Virginia and Throckmorton Infrastructure Improvements (Municipal Complex) Project   Not available Not available
25-2562 1 Virginia and Throckmorton Infrastructure Improvements - Construction COResolutionConsider/Discuss/Act on a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Change Order with DDM Construction Corporation, for the Construction of the Virginia Street and Throckmorton Street Infrastructure Improvements (Municipal Complex) Project   Not available Not available
25-2563 1 Independence 24-inch waterlineResolutionConsider/Discuss/Act on a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Contract and All Necessary Change Orders with Acadia Services, LLC, for the Construction of the Independence Parkway 24-inch Waterline Project   Not available Not available
25-2564 1 CO - Graves and First Street Project - DesignResolutionConsider/Discuss/Act on a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Contract with Gresham Smith for Professional Engineering Design Services for the CO2405 - Combined Infrastructure Reconstruction (Graves and First Street) Project and Authorizing Any Necessary Supplemental Agreements   Not available Not available
25-2565 1 CO2216 - Industrial Utility Imp - RJNResolutionConsider/Discuss/Act on a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Contract with RJN Group, Inc. for Professional Engineering Services for the Industrial Boulevard Utility Improvements (SH 5 to Millwood Road) Project and Any Necessary Supplemental Agreements   Not available Not available
25-2566 1 LI2441 - RHHL - owner's rep - Ramel CoResolutionConsider/Discuss/Act on a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute an Professional Services Agreement with Ramel Company, L.L.C., for Owner’s Representative Services Related to the Design and Construction of the Roy and Helen Hall Memorial Library Reimagine Project (RHHL)   Not available Not available
25-2567 1 2025 Certificates of Obligation - Waterworks and Sewer SystemOrdinanceConsider/Discuss/Act on All Matters Incident and Related to the Issuance and Sale of “City of McKinney, Texas, Tax and Limited Pledge Waterworks and Sewer System Revenue Certificates of Obligation, Series 2025”, Including the Adoption of an Ordinance Authorizing the Issuance of Such Certificates of Obligation, Establishing Parameters for the Sale and Issuance of Such Certificates of Obligation and Delegating Certain Matters to an Authorized Official(s) of the City   Not available Not available
25-2568 1 2025A General Obligation BondsOrdinanceConsider/Discuss/Act on All Matters Incident and Related to the Issuance and Sale of “City of McKinney, Texas, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2025A”, Including the Adoption of an Ordinance Authorizing the Issuance of Such Bonds, Establishing Parameters of the Sale of Such Bonds and Delegating Certain Matters to an Authorized Official(s) of the City   Not available Not available
25-2569 1 2025B General Obligation Refunding BondsOrdinanceConsider/Discuss/Act on All Matters Incident and Related to the Issuance and Sale of “City of McKinney, Texas, General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 2025B”, Including the Adoption of an Ordinance Authorizing the Issuance of Such Bonds, Establishing Parameters of the Sale of Such Bonds and Delegating Certain Matters to an Authorized Official(s) of the City   Not available Not available
25-2570 1 MCKINNEY WS REF IMP 2025 - Ordinance - parametersResolutionConsider/Discuss/Act on All Matters Incident and Related to the Issuance and Sale of “City of McKinney, Texas, Waterworks And Sewer System Revenue Refunding And Improvement Bonds, Series 2025”, Including the Adoption of an Ordinance Authorizing the Issuance of Such Bonds, Establishing Parameters for the Sale of Such Bonds and Delegating Certain Matters to an Authorized City Official(s) of the City   Not available Not available
25-0075Z4 1 Haggard McKinneyOrdinanceConduct a Public Hearing to Consider/Discuss/Act on a Request to Rezone the Subject Property from “PD” - Planned Development District to “PD” - Planned Development District, Generally to allow for Multi-Family Residential, Single-Family Residential, and Commercial Uses, and to Modify the Development Standards, Located on the Southeast and Southwest corner of Custer Road and FM 1461, and Accompanying Ordinance   Not available Not available
23-0099Z4 1 Towne Lake Dog ParkOrdinanceConduct a Public Hearing to Consider/Discuss/Act on a Request to Rezone the Subject Property from “PD” - Planned Development District to “GC” - Government Complex District, Located at 1400 S. College Street, and Accompanying Ordinance   Not available Not available
24-0095Z2 1 N Graves St TR1.8 RezoneOrdinanceConduct a Public Hearing to Consider/Discuss/Act on a Request to Rezone the Subject Property from “RS 84” - Single Family Residence to “TR1.8” - Townhome Residential District, Located at 1405 N Graves Street, Accompanying Ordinance   Not available Not available
25-0005Z2 1 McKinney East RezoneOrdinanceConduct a Public Hearing to Consider/Discuss/Act on a Request to Rezone the Subject Property from “AG” - Agriculture District and “RED-2” - Residential Estate District to “I1” - Light Industrial District, Located on the Northwest Corner of Airport Drive and Old Mill Road, and Accompanying Ordinance   Not available Not available
25-2571 1 Member Appointment - Arts CommissionAgenda ItemConsider/Discuss/Act on Appointing an Alternate Member to the McKinney Arts Commission   Not available Not available