Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: McKinney Community Development Corporation Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 3/27/2025 8:00 AM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: Council Chambers 401 E Virginia Street McKinney, TX 75069
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available Meeting Extra1: Not available  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
25-2585 2 MinutesAgenda ItemMinutes of the McKinney Community Development Corporation Meeting of February 27, 2025.   Not available Not available
25-2586 2 MinutesAgenda ItemMinutes of the McKinney Community Development Corporation Potential Projects Subcommittee Meeting of February 25, 2025.   Not available Not available
25-2587 2 Financial ReportAgenda ItemFinancial Report   Not available Not available
25-2588 2 Board and Liaison ReportsAgenda ItemBoard and Liaison Reports   Not available Not available
25-2589 2 President's ReportAgenda ItemPresident’s Report   Not available Not available
25-2590 1 Special Events UpdateAgenda ItemUpdate on City of McKinney Special Events Process   Not available Not available
25-2597 2 Update on Project 4B 24-06 East McKinney Learning GardenAgenda ItemUpdate on Project 4B 24-06 East McKinney Learning Garden.   Not available Not available
25-2591 1 Update on Project 4B 24-15 McKinney NeighborHubAgenda ItemUpdate on Project 4B 24-15, Sanchez Charities, McKinney NeighborHub.   Not available Not available
25-2592 1 Project 4B 23-15 Habitat for Humanity of Collin County Extension RequestAgenda ItemConsider/Discuss/Act on a Request from Habitat for Humanity of Collin County to Extend the Term of the Loan Agreement Executed with McKinney Community Development Corporation for Project 4B 23-15 to March 31, 2026.   Not available Not available
25-2593 1 RI 25-01 Cami CakesAgenda ItemConsider/Discuss/Act on a Retail Development Infrastructure Grant Application Submitted by Sugar Rush Holdings, LLC (dba Cami Cakes) (RI 25-01) in an Amount of Twenty-Five Thousand Three Hundred and 25/100 Dollars ($25,332.00) for Relocation of a Grease Trap at the Site of Their Bakery Located at 2950 Craig Drive, Suite 302, McKinney, Texas. Amount Represents 75% of the Total Project Cost.   Not available Not available
25-2594 1 RI25-02 Cotton MillAgenda ItemConsider/Discuss/Act on a Retail Development Infrastructure Grant Application (RI 25-02) Submitted by The Cotton Mill in the Amount of Twenty-Three Thousand Seven Hundred Forty-Five and NO/100 Dollars ($23,745.00) for Construction of a Sidewalk Connecting Two Parking Lots to Provide Direct Access to Retail Shops at The Cotton Mill and the Installation of Security Lighting Along the New Walkway. Amount Represents 75% of the Total Project Cost.   Not available Not available
25-2595 2 RI 25-03 Samaritan InnAgenda ItemConsider/Discuss/Act on a Retail Development Infrastructure Grant Application Submitted by Samaritan Inn, Inc. (RI 25-03) in an Amount of Ten Thousand Eight Hundred and NO/100 Dollars ($10,800.00) for Installation of Wrought Iron Security Fencing Surrounding The Inn Style Retail Store, Located at 103 East University Drive, McKinney, Texas. Amount Represents 75% of the Total Project Cost.   Not available Not available