Consider/Discuss/Act on a General Development Plan for the Ballfields Tract 4, Located on the East Side of Alma Road and Approximately 1,000 Feet North of Henneman Way
COUNCIL GOAL: Direction for Strategic and Economic Growth
(1C: Provide a strong city economy by facilitating a balance between industrial, commercial, residential and open space)
MEETING DATE: December 15, 2020
DEPARTMENT: Development Services - Planning Department
CONTACT: Joe Moss, Planner I
Jennifer Arnold, AICP, Director of Planning
RECOMMENDED CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Staff recommends approval of the proposed general development plan.
APPLICATION SUBMITTAL DATE: November 2, 2020 (Original Application)
November 25, 2020 (Revised Submittal)
ITEM SUMMARY: The applicant is proposing a general development plan of an approximately 17.34 acres tract for multi-family residential uses. Per the governing zoning ordinance (“PD” - Planned Development District Ordinance No. 2018-08-060), a general development plan must be reviewed and approved by City Council.
A general development plan is a general schematic of the layout of the proposed development and details the relationship of the development to adjacent properties, general lotting patterns, open space locations, and thoroughfare locations. Any significant changes to the GDP after its approval, as determined by the Director of Planning, would require a revised GDP to be reviewed and approved by the City Council.
The approval of the general development plan does not finalize the alignment of any roadways, lot patterns, and common areas, and approval of a site plan meeting the development requirements of the city shall still be required prior to the issuance of any building permits.
Alignment of roadways and right-of-way dedications are generally determined when a preliminary-final plat is submitted and reviewed, which shows all distances, bearings, metes and bounds, etc. Preliminary utility construction plans and grading and drainage plans are also reviewed during the review of a preliminary-final plat, including storm water management and detention areas.
Location |
Zoning District (Permitted Land Uses) |
Existing Land Use |
Subject Property |
“PD” Planned Development District No. 2018-08-060 (Muti-family Residential Uses) |
Undeveloped Land (formerly the Ballfields at Craig Ranch) |
North |
“PD” Planned Development District No. 2003-01-004 (Commercial Uses) |
Star Center, Michael Johnson Performance |
South |
“PD” Planned Development District No. 2018-08-060 (Muti-family Residential Uses), and “PD” Planned Development District No. 2003-01-004 (Commercial Uses) |
Ballfields Tract 5, and the Beach at Crag Ranch |
East |
“PD” Planned Development District No. 2003-01-004 (Commercial Uses) |
McKinney Soccer Complex at Craig Ranch |
West |
“PD” Planned Development District No. 2015-07-067 (Muti-family Residential Uses) |
Parkside Apartments |
Adjacent Streets: |
Alma Road, Variable Width Right-of-Way, Major Arterial |
PROPOSED GENERAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN CHARACTERISTICS: The general development plan shall delineate the proposed characteristics of land use and building locations, lot patterns, street network, land use calculations, and open space designations. The proposed general development plan shows the land uses, building locations, open space areas, and density. The general development plan also indicates access throughout the proposed development.
CONFORMANCE TO ONE MCKINNEY 2040: At the time that the zoning for the subject property was reviewed and approved, the Comprehensive Plan was evaluated for conformance.
The Preferred Scenario designates the subject property as part of the Collin McKinney District’s Entertainment Center Placetype. The proposed development is in keeping with the surrounding zoning districts and provides for compatible uses.
SECONDARY AND COLLECTOR STREETS: The system of collector or secondary streets is very important to the general development plan. It should assure good automobile access and circulation for every tract within the area. It should also provide safe pedestrian and bicycle routes throughout the area and convenient access to the hike and bike trails that will serve all of McKinney. Special emphasis should be given to safe and convenient access by automobile, bicycle and by foot to schools and parks that will serve the area. The proposed general development plan fulfills these secondary access points with a network of fire lanes that will serve as access for the site.
CONFORMANCE TO MASTER THOROUGHFARE PLAN (MTP): The proposed general development plan conforms to the Master Thoroughfare Plan. The Master Thoroughfare Plan does not indicate the locations of collector streets, and does not indicate any other roadways that will affect the subject property. The proposed thoroughfares within the area are intended to provide for an adequate circulation for the ultimate development conditions of the subject property and surrounding properties.
Sidewalks: |
Required along internal fire lanes at 6’ minimum width |
Hike and Bike Trails: |
10’ Hike and Bike trail required along Alma Drive |
Road Improvements: |
All roads necessary for this development, and as determined by the City Engineer |
Utilities: |
All utilities necessary for this development, and as determined by the City Engineer |
Discussion: Under the requirements of the Subdivision Ordinance, the applicant will be required to construct all necessary public improvements prior to filing the accompanying plat, unless otherwise specified in an approved facilities agreement.
DRAINAGE: The applicant will be responsible for all drainage associated with the subject property, and for compliance with the Storm Water Ordinance, which may require on-site detention. Grading and drainage plans are subject to review and approval by the City Engineer, prior to issuance of a building permit.
OPPOSITION TO OR SUPPORT OF REQUEST: Staff has received no comments in support of or opposition to this request.
BOARD OR COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: City Council is the only approval board required by the governing zoning on the property.