Conduct a Public Hearing to Consider/Discuss/Act on a Request to Rezone the Subject Property from “PD” - Planned Development District to “PD” - Planned Development District, Generally For Mixed Uses Including Commercial, Retail, Office, Multi- Family Residential, And Open Space, Generally Located North of the Intersection of Laud Howell Parkway (FM 543) and U.S. Highway 75 (Central Expressway)
COUNCIL GOAL: Direction for Strategic and Economic Growth
(1C: Provide a strong city economy by facilitating a balance between industrial, commercial, residential and open space)
MEETING DATE: April 27, 2021
DEPARTMENT: Development Services - Planning Department
CONTACT: Caitlyn Strickland, Planning Manager
Jennifer Arnold, AICP, Director of Planning
APPROVAL PROCESS: The recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission will be forwarded to the City Council for final action at the May 18, 2021 meeting.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the proposed rezoning request with the following special ordinance provisions:
1. The subject property shall be zoned “PD” - Planned Development District and shall be subject to the following special ordinance provision:
a. The subject property shall develop in accordance with the attached development regulations.
APPLICATION SUBMITTAL DATE: December 29, 2020 (Original Application)
February 2, 2021 (Revised Submittal)
ITEM SUMMARY: The applicant is requesting to rezone approximately 111 acres of land, generally to allow for the development of mixed uses including commercial, retail, office, multi-family residential, and open space.
Location |
Zoning District (Permitted Land Uses) |
Existing Land Use |
Subject Property |
“PD” - Planned Development District 2017-03-031 (Mixed Use Development) |
Undeveloped Land |
North |
“AG” - Agricultural District |
Undeveloped Land |
South |
Undeveloped Land |
East |
Undeveloped Land |
West |
“PD” - Planned Development District 2013-07-065 (Commercial Uses) |
Undeveloped Land |
PROPOSED ZONING: The applicant is requesting to rezone 111 acres from “PD” - Planned Development District to “PD” - Planned Development District, generally for mixed uses, including commercial, retail, office, multi-family residential, and open space.
This property is currently zoned “PD” - Planned Development District, Ordinance 2017-03-031 to allow for a regional mixed-use development pursuant to a detailed regulating plan and form-based development standards. The owner has recently exchanged property with the adjacent landowner and now desires to amend the existing zoning on the property in order to incorporate the newly acquired property, which is roughly 15 acres.
The proposed change will reconfigure the locations of the zoning character districts and street network shown on the regulating plan in order to account for the newly acquired property. Otherwise, the use and development standards included in the 2017 “PD” zoning will remain the same.
In addition to incorporating newly acquired property, the proposed development regulations also propose some modifications to items related to preservation and landscaping. The proposed modifications are associated with the efforts necessary to bring the subject property out of the floodplain. To offset any potential impacts, the applicant is proposing to plant trees along the proposed lake, which would otherwise not have been required and is also proposing to increase the minimum caliper size of all street trees on the property from 4-inches to 6-inches.
It is staff’s professional opinion that the existing and proposed zoning on the property should create an adaptive and quality regional mixed-use environment that furthers the goals and objectives of the comprehensive plan. The modifications proposed by the applicant are in keeping with the spirit of this zoning. As such, Staff recommends approval of the proposed rezoning request as conditioned in this report.
CONFORMANCE TO ONE MCKINNEY 2040: A key aspect of the ONE McKinney 2040 Comprehensive Plan is to provide direction related to the desired development patterns and to inform decisions related to the timing and phasing for future infrastructure investments in the City. To assist in guiding these decisions, the Preferred Scenario and Land Use Diagram establish distinctive districts, each with a clear intent and market focus that are reinforced through character-defining placetypes.
Per the Preferred Scenario, the subject property is designated as the Entertainment Center/Mixed Used placetype and is within the Honey Creek District. Other placetypes included in this district are Mixed-Use, Professional Campus, Urban Living, Suburban Living, and Employment Mix.
• Guiding Principles: The proposed rezoning request is generally in conformance with the Guiding Principles of “Diversity (Supporting our Economy and People)” and “Places (to Live, Work, Play, and Visit)” established by the Comprehensive Plan. In particular, the proposed request has the potential to provide “private development, public investments, and community engagement support the people of McKinney by making available housing options and neighborhood choices that are accessible, attainable and appealing to people at all stages of their lives” and potential for “private sector development and redevelopment [to] meet McKinney’s expectations for excellence in design and create places with market support and long-term economic viability.”
• Land Use Diagram Compatibility: In evaluating development requests, the City should determine that a project aligns with the land use diagram of the comprehensive plan and/or meets a majority of the established criteria to be considered compatible with the Land Use Diagram. The proposed rezoning request aligns with the entertainment center/mixed-use placetype designation on the subject property. Furthermore, the proposed request of “PD” - Planned Development District should be compatible with the surrounding properties and placetypes, including the Mixed-Use, Professional Campus, Urban Living, Suburban Living, and Employment Mix placetypes.
• Fiscal Model Analysis: Because the proposed rezoning request is not changing the allowed uses on the subject property, the anticipated fiscal impacts of the proposed rezoning request are considered revenue neutral.
OPPOSITION TO OR SUPPORT OF REQUEST: Staff has received no comments or phone calls in support of or opposition to this request.