Consider/Discuss/Act on an Amendment to Section 54-202 (Issuance of Permit), Section 54-209 (Exceptions), Section 87-10 (Permit Required), Section 114-21 (Auto Pound Specifications - Generally), Section 122-4 (Permits within City Limits and Extraterritorial Jurisdiction), Chapter 138 (Special Use Regulations) and Appendix A - Schedule of Fees (Motor Vehicles and Traffic) of the Code of Ordinances, and Accompanying Ordinance
COUNCIL GOAL: Direction for Strategic and Economic Growth
(1C: Provide a Strong City Economy by Facilitating a Balance between Industrial, Commercial, Residential, and Open Space)
MEETING DATE: November 15, 2022
DEPARTMENT: Development Services - Planning Department
CONTACT: Jennifer Arnold, AICP, Director of Planning
Aaron Bloxham, Principal Planner
• Staff recommends approval of the proposed amendments.
• Staff proposes minor amendments for reference updates, fees, and removal of regulations adopted as part of the proposed Unified Development Code for consistency and clarity.
• Section 54-202 (Issuance of Permit)
o Staff proposes to revise the reference to Chapter 58 (Lighting) to the new exterior lighting article reference in the Unified Development Code.
• Section 54-209 (Exceptions)
o Staff proposes to revise the reference to Chapter 58 (Lighting) to the new exterior lighting article reference in the Unified Development Code.
• Section 87-10 (Permit Required)
o Staff proposes to revise the reference to Chapter 134 (Signs) to the new signs article reference in the Unified Development Code.
• Section 114-21 (Auto Pound Specifications-Generally)
o Staff proposes to revise the reference to Section 146-132 (Fences, Walls, and Screening) to the new screening section reference in the Unified Development Code.
• Section 122-4 (Permits within the City Limits and Extraterritorial Jurisdiction)
o Staff proposes to revise the references to Sections 142-4 (Jurisdiction), 142-5 (Approval Required), and 142-6 (Improvements Required) to the new subdivision regulations administration section reference in the Unified Development Code.
• Chapter 138 (Special Use Regulations)
o Staff proposes to remove the following Articles which have been relocated into the new Unified Development Code:
§ Private Clubs,
§ Bed and Breakfast Facilities,
§ Donation Collection Containers, and
§ Food Trucks, Operation Sites, and Food Truck Courts.
o Staff proposes revisions to the Manufactured Home Article to be consistent and align with the regulations, including references, and appropriate sections in the new Unified Development Code.
o Staff proposes to revise the references in the Oil and Natural Gas Well Drilling and Operations to align with the appropriate sections in the Unified Development Code.
• Appendix A - Schedule of Fees
o Staff proposes revision to the section names and fees to align and be consistent with the appropriate sections of the Unified Development Code.
o Staff proposes the following additional penalty fees for tree preservation and for the Aerial Tree Exhibit to consolidate the fees into a single location.
• As part of the New Code McKinney initiative (development regulation overhaul), city staff and the consultant team have identified sections located in other chapters of the City’s Code of Ordinances that need to be updated based on the proposed changes in the new Unified Development Code.
• Based on this determination, the proposed amendments are being proposed to help achieve the goals of the update to improve clarity, flexibility, usability, and implementation of the Code of Ordinances.
• The City intends to recover some of the cost of providing services through user fees.
• Staff has received no comments or phone calls in support of or opposition to this request.